Card 4: Queen of Spades

Start from the beginning

Zelda rolls her eyes playfully at him as she crosses her arms "Genuine child of Zion." Tank informs him, "Zion?" Neo asks, "The last remaining human city, near the core of the planet, last place where there's any heat." Zelda answers him, Tank smirks at her "If the war is over tomorrow, Zion's where the party will be." he jokes and she shoves his shoulder a little. "You live long enough, you might even see it." Tank informs Neo. Neo just looks at him as Tank couldn't help but smile. "God damn, I-- I got to tell you, I'm-- I'm fairly excited to see what you're capable of if Morpheus is right and all." Tank states, Zelda shot a glare at him as Neo looks up at him, "We're not supposed to talk about this, but if you are it's a very exciting time. We've gotta lot to do. We gotta get to it." Tank informs him. Zelda exhales as she pushes herself off the wall.


Tank jumps into the operator chair as Zelda stood next to Neo with her hand on his shoulder "Now... we're supposed to start with these operation programs first. That's major boring shit." Tank states as he tosses a few of the program disk to the side. "Let's do something a little more fun. How about... combat training." Tank states, Zelda rolls her eyes and looks down at Neo as tank places the disk in the slide and inject it in.

Then Neo looks up at Zelda, "You'll be alright, just relax your body and open your mind." she tells him, "Got any other advice?" he jokes, making her smile a little. "Forget what you know about the rules and bend them to your will," she adds in and kisses his cheek. He was shocked at this as she pulls away. "Jujitsu? I'm going to learn Jujitsu?" Neo asks. Tank and Zelda said nothing as he loads up the program and Neo went stiff, feeling all the knowledge of the fighting style flow through his brain.

Zelda pulls back as she watches him for a moment and Neo gasps as he snaps his eyes open and was panting "Holy shit!" he gasps. Tank and Zelda smile at him. "Hey, Mikey, I think he likes it. How about some more?" Tank asks and Neo nods his head "Hell, yes. Hell yeah." he answers and lays his head back. Zelda nods as she pulls alright "All right, I'll let you boys play." she tells them, patting Neo's shoulder. "Tank care of him Tank." she calls out, "Roger that," he calls back as she left the main deck.

Hours went by as everyone was still sleeping, but Neo was still going at the training, his body was relaxed as he mind kept accepting the knowledge of information. Tank blinks his eyes a little as he tries to stay awake, downloading the combat program. Then Morpheus walks down into the main deck and strolls up next to Tank, placing his hands on Tank's shoulders. "How is he?" he asks him, "10 hours straight. He's a machine." Tank answers him.

Neo switches a little as he sweating from the cold sweat then he relaxes as he inhales, opening his eyes and pants softly then he looks over at Morpheus who was standing next to him. "I know Kung fu," he whispers and Morpheus leans in close to him. "Show me."


Both Neo and Morpheus were standing in a dojo, wearing training attires and stood in front of one another. "This is a sparring program, similar to the programmed reality of the Matrix. It has the same basic rules, rules like gravity." Morpheus informs him as Neo looks around the dojo. "What you must learn is that these rules are no different than the rules of a computer system, some of them can be bent, others can be broken. Understand?" Morpheus informs him.

Neo nods his head at him "Then hit me... if you can." Morpheus tells him and Neo stood his stance, fast and ready. Morpheus's stance was calm and centered, then Neo charges forward and strikes at Morpheus, but the man blocks his attacks. Neo grunts as he strikes, then Morpheus dodges his attack and spins away, Neo stood ready and able as Morpheus was calm and collected. Neo then pulls out, jumping a little as he smiles through his pants. Then he took his stance again, wiping his nose with his thumb. Then Morpheus waves for him to come at him.

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