Card 3: King of Diamond

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Neo flutters his eyes as he was half-conscious. "We've done it, Trinity, Zelda. We found him, "I hope you're right." Trinity said to him. "I don't have to hope. I know it." Morpheus tells him.

He then felt that warm hand stroking his head. "I hate seeing him like this," Zelda mutters. "He'll pull through, Zelda. Have faith." Morpheus tells her. "I do have faith, Morpheus. I'm just scared." she snaps. Then Neo groans as he gathers their attention. "Am I dead?" Neo asks them, "Far from it." Morpheus answers him. Then Neo fell back into unconscious.

Hours went by as long needles were pierced against Neo's skin, mostly around the holes that the wires once hooked to. The monitor beeps as it was keeping track of his heart as he was sleeping peacefully. Zelda leans against the wall, her arms crossed as she kept watch over Neo.

Another hour went by as Neo was half awake and both Morpheus and Blazer were working on applying more needles to Neo's body. "He still needs a lot of work," Bozer informs Morpheus, Zelda bits her lip as she looks at him. "What are you doing?" Neo questions and Zelda looks down at him. "Your muscles have atrophied. We're rebuilding them." Morpheus answers him, then Neo closes his eyes to the bright light over him "Why do my eyes hurt?" Neo asks again. "You've never used them before," Morpheus answers again.

Bozer looks at Morpheus, who shot a look at him then over at Zelda as she steps up and places her hand on Neo's head. "It's okay, Neo. It will pass. Rest now, the answers you seek will wait for you when you're stronger." she informs him as he exhales and closes his eyes.

Morpheus, Bozer, and Zelda worked on repairing Neo's weak body, Zelda watches the monitors as Morpheus and Blazer gently removed the needles and they worked on the holes on his body. Within a few days, Neo's body was better and stronger now. He was placed in clothing as Zelda was standing next to the operating table, looking down at Neo's sleeping face.

Then Trinity walks into the room, looking at her, then walks up and stood next to her, "You should get some sleep." she tells her, Zelda exhales and shook her head, "No, I'm fine. I need to make sure he's okay." she answers him and Trinity places her hand on her shoulder. "You are no good to him if you're like this." Trinity tells her, Zelda looks over her shoulder at her, "I'm scared this is a dream, Trinity." she tells her then looks back at Neo. "That if I wake up, he'll be gone," she states and Trinity steps next to her. "He won't be, trust me," she tells her.

Then Zelda looks at her and sighs, "I am very tired." she states and Trinity smiles a little at her, "Come on, Let's get you to bed." she tells her and pulls her away from Neo, they both walk towards the door and steps through it, she Zelda stops as she looks back at Neo one last time, watching him sleep peacefully. "Come on." Trinity nudges her a little, then Zelda turns away and left with Trinity.


Neo laid on a bed, in regular clothing as his hair was slowly growing in, his eyebrows and eyelashes had already grown in, Neo flutters his eyes open and then he slowly sat up, swinging his feet off the bed and looks around at the strange room he found himself in.

He then looks down at his clothing and found some plug injected into his arm, it was strange where he found up in if he even knew where even was. But he looks down at the plug, grips it in his hands and slowly pulls it out from his arm, he flinches a little at the pain from the long needle and once free from it, he gasps tosses the needle over to the side. He rubs the small hole on his arm.

But then he freezes, looking away from the hole then slowly reaches behind his head to find that one big hole, right at the base of his skull, connecting the brain to the spinal cord. There it was as he could feel it against the tips of his fingers. But then he snaps away as he heard his door open, he pulls away and looks as he saw Morpheus walk into the room "Morpheus, what's happened to me? What is this place?" Neo asks him. "More important than what is when," Morpheus informs him. Neo just looks at him, "When?" he asks. "You believe it's the year 1999, when, in fact, it's closer to 2199. I can't tell you exactly what year it is because we honestly don't know." Morpheus informs him., Neo hung his head as he exhales. "There is nothing I can say that will explain it for you, Neo," he states. As Neo looks back at him "Come with me, see for yourself."

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