Card 2: Jack of Spades

Start from the beginning

As he did, Agent Smith and Jones arrived at his cubical and found it-empty, Neo leans back against the walls of the cubical as he moves the phone over towards his other ear. "Stay here for a moment," Morpheus tells him as Neo remained in place as Agent's Smith and Jones look at one another and walk down the rows. Neo exhales as he looks away "When I tell you, go to the end of the row. To the office at the end of the hall stay as low as you can." Morpheus informs him.

Neo nods his head and leans out, waiting, "Go now." he orders and Neo quickly pops out of the cubical, seeing the officer in front of him, then quietly walks away and verse right, he hurries staying low, he passes the printer and hurried down the space, close to the wall then opens the door up.

He hurries inside the office and quickly closes the door behind him. "Good. Now, outside there is a scaffold." Morpheus informs him, Neo stood up and looks outside the window and saw the scaffold. "How do you know all this?" he questions him. "We don't have time, Neo. To your left there's a window, go to it." Morpheus informs him. Neo looks to his left and walks over towards the window. "Open it. You can use the scaffold to get to the roof." Morpheus informs him as Neo opens the window but then pulls back as it realizes what Morpheus wanted him to do. "No way! No way! This is crazy!" Neo snaps at him as he paces. "There are 2 ways of getting out of this building. One is a scaffold, the other in their custody. You take a chance either way. I leave it to you." Morpheus informs him then he hung up.

Neo pulls the phone away, then looks around the room, "This is insane!" he mutters then turns back to the window. "Why is this happening to me? What did I do?" Neo questions himself as he steps into the window "I'm a nobody. I didn't do anything." he mutters on and steps onto the small ledge. "I'm gonna die," he mutters, then pressed his back to the wall and peers down at the long, long, way down. He turns white and pulls back to the window. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" he mutters to himself. But he works up the courage and walks along the window ledge, keeping himself close to the window as the gushing winds were strong. Then Neo came to the frame that was separating him from the scaffold. He grips onto the frame and looks down at the height he was at.

I'll just say, it was a very long way down, but the winds gushed again, knocking the phone out from his hand, "Oh, shit!" he shouts as the phone plummeted down and lost from his sight. He recoils and grips tighter onto the frame, panting from fear then shook his head. "I can't do this," he mutters then pulls away and headed back into the office.


The officer steps out of the building with the agents that held Neo in toil with his hands cuffed behind his back. A woman on a motorcycle watches in her review mirror as the agents shoved Neo into the car.

She grips the rubber on the handle of the bike tightly as Agents Brown and Jones enter the car as well. But Agent Smith stops and turns, looking at the woman, Zelda grits her teeth as she growls. "Fuck," she mutters then looks over at Trinity, who was on the other side of the street. She nods at her and they both took off down the road, driving side by side. "They have him, we need to fall back to plan B," Zelda informs her.

Trinity just looks at her, "Are you sure you're you for it?" she asks her, Zelda just looks at her, "I won't let those bastards use him like they almost did me." she informs her, Trinity nods at her and they both make a left turn.


Neo sat in the interrogation room, alone at the table as he looks around the white room. Then the door opens and Neo looks over to see the agents walk into the room, Neo sat up straight as Brown and Smith circle him, Neo just rubs his hands against his pants as Jones closes the door behind them.

A thick file was dropped down onto the desk as Smith sat down, then he unravels the string and opens the file, looking through the papers of Neo's life. Neo just watched as the found this... other life. He sighs, looking away as Smith then looks at him. "As you can see, we've had our eye on you for some time now, Mr. Anderson," Smith informs him, Neo just looks back at him. "It seems that you've been living 2 lives. In one life, you're Thomas A. Anderson, program writer for a respectable software company. You have a social security number, you pay your taxes, and you... help your landlady carry out her garbage." Smith informs.

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