Card 1: Jack of Diamond

Start from the beginning

Making Smith look back at him, "I think we can handle one little girl." the Lieutenant informs him, but Smith looks at his partners and they both walk towards the hotel, the Lieutenant's eyes followed them, "I sent 2 units. They're bringing her down now." he calls out and Agent Smith stops, looking over his shoulder at him. "No, Lieutenant. Your men are already dead, for this little girl is not alone."


The woman was standing at her feet, her hands behind her head, one of the officers pulls out his cuffs, walking towards her, but unknown to them, in the shadows, another woman quickly drops down and carefully walks up behind one of the officers and stood up, then the woman known as Trinity swiftly turns with inhuman speed, gripping the man's arm, uppercuts his arm, breaking it and he cries out in pain.

Then the other woman, known as Zelda swiftly kicks in the other officer's knee shattering the bones inside the knee, making him cry out in shock as he fell to a knee, then she grips his neck and snaps it to the side. Then Trinity broke in his nose, making him reel back in pain, then she jumps into the air and with the might of a wrecking ball, she kicks him back, sending him flying into the other officer and they crashed into the wall.

Zelda, rolls over to the side, dodging the two as Trinity kicks the chair at the other, taking him by surprise and knocks him off his feet. The other was shocked then looked at Trinity as she looks at him, he aims his gun and went to fire, but Zelda grips his hand, twisting it, he grunts in pain, feeling his bones were cracking, then she took the gun, slamming the butt into the officer's throat, he gasps from the impact, as she then inhumanely spins them and they were back to back and her hand gripping his throat then she looks out at her partner. "Here!" she calls out, throwing the gun to her, the officer went to aim his gun at her, but Trinity rolls in closer towards the gun, then grab it, then aims and fire at the officer, killing him.

Zelda then slams down onto a knee, pulling the officer down, snapping his neck and kills the officer. Then she stood up ad they looked down at the dead officer on the ground. "Shit!" the said in unison. Then they walk back towards the laptop as Zelda pulls out her cell and makes an emergency call. "Operator." a man on the line answers. "Morpheus, The line was traced. They found us and now they're going to find him." Zelda informs him. "I know, they cut the hard-line," he informs her, Zelda looks down at the wired phone and picks it up.

There was no sound made, "Fuck." she grumbles and slams the phone back down, "There's no time. You're going to have to get to another exit." Morpheus informs her as she looks at Trinity. "Are there any agents?" Trinity asks, "Yes." Morpheus answers and Zelda nods at her, "God damn it." she exhales, closing her eyes and looks away, "How many?" Zelda asks him. "Three," Morpheus answers her. "Fuck." she exhales as she too exhales, closing her eyes and turns away. "You and Trinity have to focus, Zelda. There's a phone. Wells and Lake. You both can make it." he informs her, she nods at him. "Wells and Lake, roger," she mutters, then hung up and looks at Trinity. "Wells and Lake." Trinity states and Zelda nods at her. "Run," he states and they both took off out of the room.

But as the did the elevator door opens and out steps agent with officers, they both stop then turn and went the other way, the agent and officers chased after the two of them. The two women make sharp turns, left and then a right. Then they came to a door, Trinity pulls it open and they both came out onto the fire escape. Zelda looks down at the alley and saw the second agent as he was looking up at them. Zelda growls a little and they both hurried up the escape as Agent Brown and the officers hurried after them.

Zelda pulls herself up the ladder, making it too the roof, then she stops and waited for Trinity, who joined her seconds later, then they both took off running along the roof as Agent Brown pulls himself up the ladder and into the roof, chasing them. The officers piled onto the roof as Trinity and Zelda jump the small gap, Agent Brown jumps the small gap as well, then the other officers jumped the small gap too.

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