He ignored her and continued to bark with every vocal chord in his body on fire. His frame was bulked up as he pushed with his hind legs. At a glance, the wild genes were taking over. "What is it boy?"

From behind, Alice was more panicked than she wanted to show. Her drowsy eyes managed to widen beneath thick lashes. "What the hell is out there? Why is he acting like that?"

"I don't know," Leah knelt down and put her hand on the back of his neck. He stopped for a moment and turned to her. There was a hunger in his blue eyes, an angry hunger that brought them to a baze. Whatever was out there, he wanted it gone. She nodded to him and stood, beginning to unlock the door.

"What are you doing?"

"Letting him out. "

"But it could be dangerous!"

Leah sent her a glare, "This is Beo we're talking about. Get a flashlight from the drawer next to the sink."


"I'm not letting him go out there alone." She opened the door allowing the cool air to rush in and her dear companion to rush out. The sound of his paws on the grass echoed loudly. Heavy thumps hit the earth with a force like no other. The porch light could only light so far and before she knew it, he was out of sight.

She turned to Alice, who was just barely opening the drawer. Watching her pull out the large industrial flashlight and slide it on, her stomach turned. Alice shone the light towards the door, "Are you really going out there?"

"No," Leah replied taking the flashlight from her, "We are." Before she could protest, the sound of Beo barking again ripped through the night. The two of them jumped and charged outside, barefoot and spooked. The door slammed behind them as they raced over the damp grass and fallen leaves heading towards the sound of Beo.

Leah shone the flashlight around frantically. Her yard was quite large, it had been one of the many benefits of her lived in home. But that night she wished it were smaller. Wide green grass in need of another trim flecked back in the florescent beam, casually allowing yellow flowers to peek through. "Is that him over there?" Alice yelled. The light beamed forwards and a black and white Beo came into view. He was yapping at max volume at the top of the fence. The two of them raced up behind him breathing like marathon runners.

Leah pointed the beam at the top of the light wooden fence searching for a sign of anything or anyone. But she couldn't see a thing. Her ears however, picked up the sound of footsteps cracking over dead leaves. "Who's there?" She yelled.

Beo growled, teeth baring. He rushed to the other side of her, eyes locked to a certain point of the wooden barrier. More footsteps crackled. Leah looked at Alice and she shook her head in protest, "Don't do it."

Without answering, Leah put her hands on top of the fence and pulled herself up. With an armpit pinching the post, she flashed the light beam around. Nothing but an autumn mess rushing around in the wind was to be seen. "Hello?"

A loud snap echoed and startled her, almost making her slip. She tried to stabilize by pushing her feet into the fence; but all that did was stab splinters into her skin. She called out in agony as the poked further into her flesh.

Alice pushed her hands against her butt to try helping, "Are you okay?" Her ice cold hands bled through the pajama pants she wore, making goosebumps travel across her skin. Leah shivered still searching for a sign of anyone, "Yeah its just splinters. Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

An even louder snap sounded. This time amidst the red and brown colors of the forest, a hefty shadow darted across the beam of light she projected. It made Leah gasp and lose her grip, causing her to fall backwards onto her friend. They stumbled back, catching their footing in a clumsy fashion.

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