iii. a proposition

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A/N: Added two extra scenes to the beginning of this chapter. 

"So what's the point of this thing again." Mason sighed as he adjusted his pink button-up. 

"We take this class and give us a purity ring after the whole thing," Lucky said as she played with the edge of her floral dress, she leaned near him "you have to behave in front of my mom!" She whispered harshly to him. 

They both sat in the back of her mom's used Prius. She remembered when Mason met her mother for the first time, she had been embarrassed by her house, her mom's car, and their whole situation. They were renting a townhome in a lower-middle-class area and Mason lived in his own loft that his parents got him for his 16th birthday. Their lives seemed so different, but the things that Lucky hated about her apartment were the things that Mason seemed to love. Like he spent 15 minutes looking through her family's photo albums, commented on how charming their mugs were, and thought that their humble townhome was warm and cozy. 

He preferred going over to her house, Mason rarely spent time in his own loft, which had seemed weird to her. 

"You both will learn the importance of waiting until marriage. You're not just going to this class because you'll get some fancy ring." Lucille took Lucky away from her thoughts. 

Lucky doubted the ring would be fancy. 


The class was originally planned for after the sermon, but due to complaints from the parents, they had moved it to during the main service. They quickly moved everyone in high school and middle school to a separate room. 

There were only twelve teenagers in the class. The youth pastor quickly prayed over the sermon before asking everyone. 

"When do you all think it's the right time to have sex?" 

One poor eleven-year-old raised her hand, "What's sex?" Someone coughed.

"Good question Calleigh! Sex is when a man and a woman come together as one under God." 

"But I thought that was marriage." 

"It can be confusing, but sex is very similar. Ask your parents more about it later," Lucky turned to Mason who's face had gotten red, his lips were pressed together in a line. 

Her phone buzzed. I don't know why but I want to laugh. Her text read. She typed back, seriously.

I'm glad I know what sex is now. Will you come together with me under God?

She shoved her elbow into his abdomen. Mason laughed. 

"Is there something you would like to share with the group?" the youth minister asked, there was a smile on his face, but Lucky noticed the disappointment in his eyes. 

"Um, well my name is Mason, and if sex is just coming together before God, then it should be ok to do it whenever it feels right. I laughed because you can't do the same with marriage, with marriage it has to be the right person." 

The youth pastor, who's name was Chris, nodded before asking, "Doesn't sex have to be with the right person?"

"In my opinion? Not always, sometimes people just need to discover what they like. I think the act itself can be better than whoever you're doing it with. Like, I view sex as a way to self-discovery." 

Lucky wondered is she was preventing his self-discovery since she definitely wasn't putting out. She may be a camgirl but some part of her agreed with the church. Not the part that said you would go to hell if you had premarital sex, she decided to voice her opinion.

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