Chapter Seven

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While they were at recovery girls office, it must have rained. Shouto's eyes widened slighlty as he opened the big door, leaving the building. There were plenty of puddles, and the wet scent of rainy plants surrounded him. While Shouto constantly hides his smile from the world, that didn't stop him from feeling joy as he leapt down the school steps, enjoying the freedom of the outdoors. He splashed in puddles, and even investigated the cool dew that had formed on the flower beds. He delicately lifted the pink flower petals, and watched the dew roll down onto his band-aided hands, before jumping again into a great big puddle.

Unbeknownst to him, Midoriya had exited the building, Todoroki's tylenol in hand. He giggled at the sight of his little boy playing, and decided to let his kiddo play a little longer. He rested his head in his palm, watching with a smile.

Note to self, buy Shou-chan rainboots. Soon.

They walked home (only after convincing Shouto that he could slpash in even more puddles on the way there-), holding hands as they went.

"Look Papa!" Shouto said quietly.

"I can make a super big splash!"

Midoriya watched the boy hop into a puddle, the water splashing both of their legs. Shouto giggled slightly.

"Good job, Kiddo!" Midoriya laughed; although his legs were soaked, it was good to know his baby was having fun.

They arrived at Shouto's home, and quickly entered. As Izuku was removing his jacket, he heard a quiet whimpering behind him.

"Huh? What's wrong, Kiddo?"

Shouto, who was just smiley and bouncy, was now grimacing, with his legs spread slightly apart awkwardly.

"Too wet!" Shouto exclaimed, stomping his feet to show that it was the soaked part of his lower pant leg that was bothering him.

"Awe, baby, thats okay! We can get you different pants, okay? How does a nice soft pair of pjs sound?"

Shouto nodded feverishly, but quickly looked uncomfortable again.

"Mhmm, but pants are too wet... Its bad to get the floor dirty! An, an, I dun wanna get my room messy!" Shouto quickly looked even more frustrated!

Quick, think! Izuku thought to himself.

"Hmm, you're right kiddo." Izuku grabbed the boys hand. "I know how special your room is to you baby, I know you don't want it ruined by icky water. How about Papa goes to grab your pj's, and you can get changed right here?"

Shouto nodded, smiling. Im glad he likes that idea! Izuku thought.

"But... your pants is dirty too, Papa..."

Once again the boy looked discouraged.

"No worries! Hero Papa can still help!" Izuku gave him a bright smile.

"You just have to close your eyes is all, baby."

Shouto nodded determinedly, and covered his face with his fingers. Izuku then unbuckled his belt, and hung his pants onto the coat rack! He went to Shouto's room, put on Shouto's comfy, blue sweatpants (boyfriend privileges), and grabbed a fluffy, white pj set with korillakuma embroidered on the front. He knew his baby had an extra rough day, and wanted to make sure he was extra comfy.

"Ok kiddo, you can open your eyes!" Shouto clapped nd giggled at the sight of the comfy pjs (AND how cute his boyfriend looked in his sweatpants.)

"Your turn to get changed. Do you need help, or should Papa cover his eyes?"

Shouto thought for a while. He was feeling especially small, enough that he would want or need help from his papa to dress himself. But, his nervousness and shyness took hold of him enough to ask Izuku to turn around and cover his eyes.

After quickly slipping on the pjs, he then pounced Izuku from behind, giggling brightly. Midoriya smiled, happy now this his little one was comfy.

"Okay kiddo, time to relax and rest, wouldn't you say?"

Shouto nodded, causing Izuku to chuckle.

"Right. Why don't you go pick something for us to watch on Netflix, and I'll make you a special snack for my special boy!"

Shouto bounced with excitement, and dashed to his room.

He plopped into the cutesy, plush comforter of his bed, and clamored about for the remote to his tv. After finding it, he quickly turns on one of his favorites: Rilakumma and Koaru! It matched his pjs, after all.

Soon, Izuku followed, holding a small pink bowl. Shouto bounced at the sight of the small snacks inside. Blueberries and goldfish crackers!

They giggled, and fell back onto the bed, Shouto cuddling into Izuku's side. He smiled up at him, his cheeks flushing.

"What are we watching?"

"Rilakumma and Koaru! I hope you like it."

They smiled, and began to watch.


Sorry for the small Hiatus!!! Im running out of ideas a little bit, but I thought I would base this off of an Issue I personally have, Idk if its relatable or not but keeping my bed clean is pretty important 2 me.

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