Laur winced in pain. "Oh god this really hurts..." she groaned.

Camila smiled lightly and placed her hand over the hand Laur was using to hold the icepack.

"Here you big baby." Camila said as she lowered Lauren's hand and pack. She leaned over so her hands where on either side of Lauren's body. "Maybe this will help."

Camila slowly leaned forward and tenderly kissed Lauren swollen eye. Then she switched and kissed the dark haired's know closed good eye. Camila slowly pulled back and looked down at her.

"Is that better?" Camila whispered.

Lauren still had her good eye closed, still tingling from the brunette's gentle kisses. "Oh, yeah..." She managed to squeak out.

After a short moment, Lauren finally opened her eye and smiled. She looked at the girl just inches from her face. Go for the lips. Please! Camila held Lauren's gaze and then eventually her eyes fell on the soft lips before her. Oh, yes! She's gonna kiss me! Thank you big bitch that hit me in the eye. Both of their heart rates picked up speed as Camila slowly inched closer. Laur could feel the brunette's hot breath on her lips.
Yes. It's okay.

"Hey, Laur!" Normani and two other players from the team yelled in unison barging into the bedroom area.

Camila quickly got off the bed and Lauren growled in frustration. "Gotta be kidding me!"

Neither Lauren nor Camila heard the teammates come down the stairs because they were too caught up in the moment.

"I'll see you later, Lauren." The brunette shyly announced. She picked up her hand bag and quickly and cautiously passed the three basketball players.

Until they were sure the brunette had completely exited the room, the three plopped down on the large bed. The two other girls that joined Normani were Alexa and Veronica was a girl that was about the same height as Lauren but a little shorter. Like Normani and Lauren, she also liked to boast about her many conquests. Alexa was a red head that talked with a southern accent. She wasn't as tall as the other girls but really knew how to handle the ball. Veronica, Lauren, and Normani took a liking to her after she said she played on their "team".

Lauren gave them all a fuming frown. "You assholes! She was about to kiss me and you blew it!"

Veronica gave a smirk. "Oh please, Jauregui. You ain't hittin' that. That bookworm's too smart to fall for you."

"I know I don't say this much but...I agree with Veronica on this one." Alexa said.

Lauren looked at her bedspread and shook her head. "You guys don't know her."

"Well neither do you, if you know what I mean. It's been a whole month and you guys have never kissed?" Normani asked.

Lauren glared at her friend. "We almost did. Until you guys showed up!" the dark haired said between her teeth.

Veronica put her hand under her chin observing the brunette carefully. "Man, Jauregui. You do look a lil frustrated. Have you not had a very special and necessary need fulfilled in a while?"

"Fuck you..." Laur groaned putting the icepack back on her face.

"Honey, you might as well pay up now." Alexa said putting her hand on the Lauren's shoulder. "That little brunette "goodie two shoes" ain't sleeping with you."

Laur shrugged the red-head's hand off her shoulder. "Don't call her that."

Normani got off the bed and stood over her friend. "Why so sensitive about it, Laur? Either you bang her or pay up."

Lauren kept a straight face and didn't even look up at Normani. She was fuming inside because they were referring to Camila as just another screw. But once again she let her pride get the best of her.

She exhaled a breath and looked to the three faces staring her down. "You all still think I won't do it?"

They all shook their heads. Laur sat up straighter in the bed. "Okay. Just to show how serious I am, let's raise the stakes.
1,000 dollars says I sleep with her.

Everyone's eyes widened and mouths gapped open. "But Lauren...that's a lot of money...oh wait, never mind you're rich." Alexa said in realization.

"I know." Lauren said resting her arms behind her head.

Veronica frowned. "You sure, Jauregui? I don't think you can pull it off."

Lauren ignored Veronica's comment.

"Are we on?" Lauren asked Normani with a determined face.

Normani bent down to Lauren so they were nose to nose. "We're definitely on."

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