38.5) Another One Bites the Dust (pArT tWo)

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^ thannnnnksssss mrbadguymercury  ya jerk! Are ya happpaay? Are ya satisfied!? 🙃😘😘😘

Ummmm....this entire chapter is Jimmy POV and not pleasant soooo......

****TRIGGER WARNING: Domestic violence, Insinuations of rape, violence & 💀*************

Ummmm, yes well.... good luck.


"Down the hatch!," a quick clink of our glasses and away we go.

She's a good girl, though she wants me to think otherwise. To be honest, I'd try to change myself too for a shot with me.

Her caramel brown locks brush against my arm that I have slinked around her shoulder. She sits beside me, quiet and from what I can tell a bit of nerves jittering her hands. Causing them to fidget as she tries to pull the hem of her skirt down just a tad.

Not that there's so much skirt to work with. The fucking groupie is practically wearing underwear, not that I'm complaining.

"What did you say your name was again- Cherry?,"
typical name for your typical stripper. That's a mighty fine idea, bet I'd make loads of money off of her.

"It's Cherie," she giggles, blushing her cheeks with the rosey color that makes me think of how many times I'd be able to tan her hide before she screams for me to stop.

"But, you can call me that, honey," She smirks, seductively staring at me with a twisted brow that makes my junk squirm inside of my pants. Ooh, feeling frisky are we?

As I sit back and recall the first encounter the two of us ever had, I honestly can't believe that poor excuse for a girl ever grew the back-bone to leave me. She was always so obedient. Well... in the beginning that is.

She'd look the other way whenever I'd spend the night with other whores. She'd use her "hard-earned" money to bail me out of every tricky situation, either that or she'd use her looks.

And for a while, sure I'll admit, it was nice. It was nice to have someone there at my beck and call. Someone who truly cared about me and my wellbeing, as well as my dreams, hopes and goals.

But she did a shit job of keeping me focused with the way she'd want me to fuck the slut out of her all the time. I remember the day it all went downhill. The day I started to beat on her.

I regretted it at first. I assure you, I never hit a woman before her. But, the damned bitch just kept getting more fussy and unbearable. It was due to my tough love that she became the ballsy woman she is today. A little gratitude would be nice.....


Stumbling up the ridiculously long stairway of our apartment, I begin to fish around my pockets for my house keys. I can't find them. Damn it! They must have fallen somewhere.

"Cherie!!," I start to call out for her to open the door and when she doesn't answer, I feel my temperature rise in anger and begin to pound on the door with my fists.

"Open up the door, dollface! Master's got a surprise for youuuuu," I croon, leaning onto the door letting my dizzy head rest on the frame just as it finally swings open.

She gives me the once over, staring at me and studying my drunken state. This is a first for us actually. Usually, we get shitfaced together, but tonight I had a smoking hot date that I couldn't pass up.

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