bonding time

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At grimwoods

All of them are starting to worry about lincoln he didn't came back it's been 4 days

Elsa: guys i'm starting to worry about lincoln he haven't came back yet

Mina: you're not the only one that is starting to worry we all are

Sibella: she's right you haven't came back yet it's been 4 days do you guys think there's something bad happened to him i know that he is strong but i'm starting to worry

Mina: i know but i can't stop worrying about him something bad might happen to him

Ruby: just don't worry how many times did you fight a hoard of monsters?

Winnie: many times I can't even count  why did you ask?

Ruby: I'm saying is Lincoln have fought a horde I know his ok

Back to Lincoln

He was sitting in his hospital bed when the door opened when Lincoln looked he saw G. E. E standing there

G. E. E: sir we have a problem

Lincoln: what is it?

G. E. E sigh and pulled out a paper

G. E. E: sir the enemy gave us a letter saying "  we will attack so be prepared we won't tell you they tune or date so be careful HAHAHA"

Lincoln: tell the army to prepare for an another war

G. E. E opened the door and left

A couple of hours later Lincoln was sleeping when suddenly a loud explosion happened Lincoln went out of bed and looked at the direction of the explosion

He saw all of there enemies there already attacking Lincoln did not waste time he went to his table where his armor and weapons are and grab them

Lincoln thought: so they have attacked they sent that letter so everyone will be busy training

With G. E. E

He was training when an explosion happened he thought it was one of there comrade

G. E. E: how many times do i have to tell them to be careful around explosives

Then another explosion happened G. E. E suddenly realize it wasn't one of there comrades it was the enemy attacking he teleported on top of the wall he saw all of their enemy already attacking there wasn't enough time to go to their positions

He teleported in front of everyone he told them what was happening all of them panic they didn't have time to prepare it wasn't even a week when the war happened then suddenly they saw lincoln and they all the dash toward him and ask

G. E. E: sir do you have any plans the enemies are attacking now

Lincoln: no

All of his men:

All of his men:

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