a new friend and army

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Lincoln felt depressed because he lost his men everyone notice Lincoln's attitude they all felt sorry Lincoln was sitting under a tree when he heard a call for help

????: help!!!

Lincoln run when he got there he saw a girl with red hair and blue eyes she was being held by someone

Lincoln: (thought) what are they doing here?

The girl looked terrible she got bruises and some cuts Lincoln looked at the girl she was crying

Lincoln run up to them man and punch him in the face

The man: what the hell is your problem kid?

Lincoln: my problem is you

The man looked at Lincoln and said...

The man: your just a kid you can not do anything to me your weak I can defeat you with ease

The man run and tried to attack Lincoln but he fails and the result of him failing is he was punch in the face by Lincoln and kick the man in the guts he cough up blood and the man tried to attack Lincoln again he was successful but the punch did nothing to Lincoln

Lincoln: is that the best you can do my friend can punch better then you

Lincoln laugh and punch the man in the guts and kick him in the face in result knocking him out

Lincoln looked at the girl and ask what she was doing

Girl: I was just walking when this guy attacked me

Lincoln: where's your parent's?

Girl: they are dead

Lincoln: I'm sorry if I trigger a bad memory

Girl: it's ok

Lincoln: so where do you live?

The girl looked at the ground and said

Girl: I'm homeless

Lincoln: that's why your wondering

The girl nodded then Lincoln got an idea

Lincoln: what about I tell miss grimwoods you want to enroll in our school so you can have a room to sleep in

The girl looked at Lincoln happily

Girl: you'll do that for me?

Lincoln: ye

The girl cried at first Lincoln felt guilty for making her cry but she told Lincoln it's tear's of joy

Lincoln: come on i will lead the way

30 minutes later they arrived at the school and when they entered Lincoln saw the girls playing when one of them looked at Lincoln she notices that there is a girl beside him

Winnie: Lincoln who is she?

That go to attention of all the girls 

Lincoln: this is the a new girl she was lost so I escorted her here

Then miss grimwoods appear out of nowhere and scared everyone

Lincoln: (scared)  please don't do that ever again miss grimwoods

Miss grimwoods: sorry dear I just heard you say there is a a new girl?

Lincoln: y-yes

Miss grimwoods: I did not know we have a new student

Lincoln looked at miss grimwoods and whispered something to miss grimwoods and they walked away with the girl

With Lincoln and miss grinwoods

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