a new adventure

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Lincoln was in the mine when he saw a zombie wounded Lincoln said...

Lincoln: are you ok?
What happened?
Who did this?
Zombie: i just fall down that hole.

Lincoln: do you want to get out? I know where the exit is.

The zombie said...

Zombie:ok i do not know... Can i trust you?

Lincoln: yes you can i want to help you

Zombie: Ok then where is the exit?

Lincoln: Follow me...

The zombie follow Lincoln to the exit when they got outside they see the men of lincoln

Zombie: who are they?

Lincoln: My army

Zombie: Your what?!?!

Lincoln: My army

Then they all look at Lincoln.

Zombie 1 i will call danz

Danz: Who are you?
Why are your hurt?
Zombie: 1: I fall down the hole over there

2: Im kine

Danz: ohhhhhh....ok then

Kine: so are you one of lincoln's men?

Danz: yeah.

Kine: i'm actually a new teammate so can you train me?

Danz: yes i can train you so today is actually at the feature we are looking for something called obsidian.

Kine: ohhhh I know where to look I found some of it already while I was walking follow me OK

Lincoln and his men followed kine when they reach it they saw so many obsidian and Lincoln said....

Lincoln: Thank you kine this is enough to make so many nether portal to supply me with nether quarts.

Kine: What will you do wit it anyway?

Lincoln: Ohhhh nothing just make it a block and make a underground base.

Kine: by the way use diamond pick to mine it.

Lincoln: Thank you for telling me!

Kine: no problem if you need more info tell me

Lincoln: I need info on The nether

Kine: In the nether there is alot of mobs do not hit a zombie pigman or it will kill you,ghast it shoot fire ball and do not even get close or it will shoot you and die,wither skeleton give you
Wither effect you will die and blaze can shoot small fire ball cannot explode but will set you on fire
There is also called magma it a small of fire it will not burn you but kill you

Lincoln: Thank kine!

They are done mining and now they are making a meter portal.

Lincoln: OK its complete go to the nether and get me some nether quarts.

Lincoln's men: yes sir

It's been an hour since lincoln sent his men to get some nether quartz. When they were about to go to the nether portal they saw 3 zombie pigman that was hurt and they brought them to the nether portal when they got through the nether portal they saw lincoln waiting for them.

Lincoln: what took you guys so long?

Kine: we found this three zombie pigman wounded what will we do?

When lincoln saw the three zombie pigman he was shocked

Lincoln: what happened to you?!?!?!

Zmp 1: we were attacked by wandering wither skeletons.

Lincoln: why did they attack you?

Zmp: maybe it's because of our loot we have a lot of diamonds in our chest when we were not yet raided.

Lincoln: be a part of my men and you will be powerful powerful enough to take revenge on those who wronged you.

Zmp 2: can we talk about it first?

Lincoln: ok talk to the others i will be waiting for your answers

It's been a minute since three zombie pigman have a conversation about joining lincoln or not they all agree to one thing.

Zmp 3: we all have our small talk and we thought about your offer and we accept you offer.

Lincoln was happy they are three new men who joined his army soon conquer herobrine from his castle and take over minecraft once again and make it peaceful.

Lincoln: good you can join I'm happy.

Zmp 3: no worries.

Lincoln and commanded his army to return to the place they all did return to the base they saw lana waiting for them.

Lana: lincoln who are those three?

Lincoln: that are new recruits.

Lana: really hoe did you see them?

Lincoln: I did not but the others did though there were the one who brought them to me.

Lana: how did they found them?

Lincoln: they were wounded

Lana: how did they get hurt my question

Lincoln: they got attack by either skeleton because of there loot they have lot of loot from what I gather information from them

Lana: OK Lincoln

Then a portal open up they saw the family of loud crying they all miss Lana some miss Lincoln they are The youngest sister of Lincoln the all feel like a monster because of what they did to Lincoln Lola is crying in her and Lana's room,lucy in the attic performing a ritual of some sort,lisa making a portal to Minecraft to find Lincoln and Lana,lily crying saying Lincoln's name again and again.

Lincoln looks at Lana and said...

Lincoln: Lana let's go back they miss you and me.

Lana: OK Lincoln but if they going to do something funny we will comeback right

Lincoln: ofcourse let's get some of our stuff and men to come with us before going to retake woods again

They packed some stuff and food Lincoln told his men where he is going to be and call down of his men to come and they agree.

Lincoln: OK everything is packed and organize nothing will be missing OK everyone to the portal come on lana

They all walk in the portal and went they walk out they were in royal woods in front of the loud resident.
Some of Lincoln's men are angry to be there because of what Lincoln told them what his family did to him and his friends didn't help him Lincoln's men try there hard not to attack.

Lincoln:ok everyone.... I know you are mad at my family but some regret what they did to me well some Did not my young sisters did.

Lincoln's men are thankful to some regret what the did and not want to attack Lincoln anymore. Well first no-one can't even attack Lincoln they can just kill them and not hurtc
lincoln in the process they all look up to Lincoln like a father even. Lincoln is not really there father some of them is still mad at them but not the youngest but the oldest they should know bad luck do not exist they thought they are all stupid to believe The bad luck theory.

 the loud house: herobrine's powerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz