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Lincoln spent months in grimwoods it was halloween it was the time where the parents of all the student will come together to see each other and meet new faces

Lincoln is in there room putting on his costume when phantasma came in

Phantasma: hey lincoln are you ready to meet our parents?

Lincoln: i'm a little bit nervous but i am ready do you think they will like me? they might not like me because you know i'm a human.

Phantasma: i don't know lincoln. that will be answered when our parents are here.

Lincoln: i hope they will like me.

Phantasma: yeah me too you're not the only one.

Ruby: hey lincoln can i ask you something?

Lincoln: sure what do you want?

Ruby: well it's about you know the army do you think they might come here?

Lincoln: they might or they might not.

Ruby: lincoln you haven't seen them for months what do you think they will do of course they will come here.

Lincoln: if they do i will tell them to keep a low profile i do not want anyone to know about them.

Phantsma: lincoln what does she mean army?

Lincoln: oh i forgot you were here. well she means by army is our toy army.

Phantasma: oh ok lincoln.

Then phantasma left the room

Ruby: is it necessary to lie to her you know she is your friend you should tell her about them.

Lincoln: ruby i will tell them later.

Ruby: so you are really telling them later what will they think if you say you have an army and not believe you?

Lincoln: then it's ok if they don't believe me i don't really care if they do or don't because i know i have an army.

Ruby: ok. Lincoln i forgot to ask you is your family going here?

Lincoln: i don't really know if they're coming they did not tell me if they are.

Ruby: what about the army lincoln they might come here without you noticing them then what will you do?

Lincoln: then that is the time that i will tell everyone that i have an army.

Ruby: good idea so when will we go out there and meet every parents

Lincoln: ruby can you not see i'm still putting my costume on

Ruby: oh yeah sorry im going outside if you need me

Then ruby left the room and when lincoln finish putting on his costume he went out of the room.

Lincoln: where is ruby i cannot find her anywhere?

Then lincoln heard a voice of someone when lincoln turned around and saw it was sibella.

Sibella: hey lincoln my dad wants to meet you.

Lincoln: you mean count dracula?

Sibella: of course he really wants to meet you and he is waiting for you.

Then sabella holds lincoln's arm and run to dracula.

Sibella: hey dad this is lincoln.

Lincoln: h-hi s-sir.

Dracula: kid you don't have to call me sir just call me by my name dracula.

Lincoln: ok

Dracula: so this is the boy you've been talking about it's true he looks nice. but still i can not trust any human after what they been doing to monsters.

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