Kat The Kitten

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"Fraud?" I ask. I'm here with the police officer at her office. Mikey is sitting in the chair next to me holding my hand.

"Yes....you know your mother had a business right?" she asks.

"Well....yeah." I nod. "Ever since we moved here to New York. But...she never did tell me what her business was about."

The officer writes something in her little notebook.

"Did you have financial problems?" she asks.

"No. Well. I did. My mother and stepfather always had nice things. Like Chanel perfume but I had to get a job because my mother wouldn't pay for my collage tuition." I explain.

The officer shows a look of disgust.

"Alrighty Miss Goodson. I will tell you what's going on." she clears her throat and looks at me straight in the eye.

"Your mom's business was to sell counterfeit papers." she said. "she would say she was selling cheap passports to those who don't have united states passports and she made fake licenses."

I cover my mouth from the gasp I was about to....gasp and hold Mikey's hand even tighter.

"Not only that but she stole...from helpless people.....telling them that she would fix there citizenship here. As in fixing legal papers for immigrants." she explained. "And then she would disappear from her location and steal thousands of dollars."

Tears fall on my lap and Mikey runs his thumb along the outside of my hand. My mom? Did this?

"I don't know exactly how many years she will have in jail but I can tell you it will be many." she says. "And as for your father-"

"He is not my father!" I snap

She's taken aback. She narrows her eyes at me but continues.

"Your....stepfather....was an accomplice because he would help her move out of her locations and receive a considerably amount from her." she says.

"He'll probably have a fine. Or a smaller amount of time in jail."


"I just can't believe it." I say sipping my cappuccino. Mikey sighs.

"Maxine....you don't have to live in that apartment anymore." he says. "You can come live with me."

My heart pounds. Living with Mikey?

"Anyways..." I say getting up. "I have to go to work. I'll sleep over and we can think about it."

He nods. Before I leave though. I peck his cheek.

At work, Ron stares at me and I'm starting to think he has real issues. He's gets all touchy but I put a stop to him.

"You got a boyfriend?" he says as we're shutting down.

"Why?" I snap.

"Well....you're such a pretty girl....I'd love to have-"

"Yes I do Ron." I lie.

I don't say bye to him and run to Mikey's car.

"Hey." he says. I smile and put my seal belt on. He's smiley throughout the ride.

"Mikey Way." I say as we enter his apartment. "What are you so happy about?"

He smiles and points to a small little pet bed. And in the pet bed is a tiny kitten.

"Oh my gosh!!!" I say and bend down face to face with this tiny gray little kitten. It's eyes were so big and he was so warm as I picked him up.

"Mauuuuu...." the kitten purred.

"What on earth is a cute little kitten doing here?" I ask curiously.

"It wants a mommy." he says.

I raise an eyebrow and spend the next two hours playing with my 'son'.

"He needs cat toys Mikey....he needs cat toys!" I laugh at the kitten chases my finger.

"Yeah. We'll get supplies tomorrow. But." he says. "What are you going to name him?"

He sat beside me and played with the kitten too. I thought about a name. It was hard. This little kitten would have the name I would decide forever!

"Kat." I finally say.

"Cat?" Mikey laughs.

"Kat with a k." I smile.

Mikey shrugs and pets 'Kat'.

"Awwww he's sleepy." Mikey says as Kat yawns and leans against Mikey's leg.

"Why'd you get him?" I ask.

"I got him for you Maxie." he says. I smile and reach in for a kiss on the cheek.

Let me repeat this.

On The Cheek.

But Mikey turns and my lips land on his.


Long time no update!! Sorry bout that. If this chapter's confusing I wrote the first half of this in a sleepy condition. Anyways....

Comment vote and stuff :)

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