Trust Me

358 13 7

I'm prepared to tell him everything. Every single thing.

How my stepfather has been hitting me ever since I was fifteen. How it was horrible when I moved from New Jersey to New York.

I'm prepared to tell him how mother and my sister...don't know that Dave hits me.

Im prepared to tell him I have feelings for him.

I open my mouth....but a phone rings.

He curses under his breath and reaches for his phone. He checks it and slams it on the table.

"Who was it?" I ask partly glad of whoever texted or called.

"Emma...." he says. "She wants to have lunch."

"Don't you like her?" I ask.

"She's annoying....." he sighs.

"Maxine stop trying to change the topic....tell me what happened."

I look down at my hand.

"Mikey....don't you trust me? Im telling you the truth.....nothing happened. I just fell..." I say. "Again."

There's a terrible silence between us. He just looks at me trying to decode me.

Trying to find out if I'm lying or if I'm actually telling the truth.

He looks at me....worried.

And I hate it. He shouldn't be worrying for me. He shouldn't have even payed my damn doctor bill.

"Mikey...please....just drop it okay!" I say.

He stands up and puts his hands on my shoulder and looks at me straight in the eye.

"Maxine I just care about you......really....I'm concerned..." he says. I realize we're close. He comes closer and......

The damn phone rings.

I blush and look away as he checks his phone.

"God is she annoying. She doesn't take a no for an answer." he says.

"Tell me about it...." I smirk and remember what Alan did yesterday. "Alan is so annoying...."

He smiles.

"Thank you for agreeing with me."

"Mikey?" I ask.


"Let's stay here and watch a movie or something." I yawn. "I really don't want to go to work."

We curl up on the couch watching whatever movie was on.

I look up and see Mikey's eyes on the movie.

And I smile to myself and lean against my head against his shoulder.

Because I feel like the luckiest girl alive because I have Mikey as a best friend.

I feel happy and safe curled up on the couch with him.

But....deep down. I have a feeling my happiness will not last. It never does.


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