"They're good. The T-Rex had to put the raptor pack in their place on Nublar. With the power off, they got out pretty fast. The animals seem pretty settled on both islands. We're keeping a close eye on this. To reopen, all of the fencing will have to be rebuilt from the ground up and updated. Before any work could be done though we would need to coral the animals to make it safe for workers," Harry grinned, for that they would us warders and dragon keepers. There were already the beginnings of a magical animal preserve on Isla Meurta, including space for dragons. It was weird that Charlie Weasley had said they would love to come but couldn't until after what would have been Harry's fourth year at Hogwarts. It had something to do with the Tournament which just made him more determined to ensure he wasn't dragged into it.

"Not a cheap undertaking," John agreed, too many investors had pulled out after the accident.

"Right now, yeah. But in a few years, it will be viable." Harry put the papers on the desk. "I was wondering about this."

John picked them up and then sighed. "Ah, Benjamin...we were young men wanting to change the world. The first attempts at extracting viable DNA from amber were done in a basement laboratory at his estate," he smiled wistfully, thinking back on simpler times. "He had the scientific background, always so curious. We brought Henry Wu in not long after that and eventually moved into better labs before the islands were leased."

"So why didn't he keep working with you?"

"Shortly after we leased the islands there was a car accident, his daughter was killed. After that he was...consumed by grief."

That did not sound good. "What did he do?"

"He wanted to use our work but in ways I could not agree with."

Hermione frowned and then gulped, "human cloning?" she asked, and John nodded tiredly.

"We haven't spoken in three years."


Harry stood in the magically protected bunker, watching the triceratops as they grazed, enjoying the peace. In the UK it was two am, Halloween. They'd spent the last week being very visible in Florida, spending time in Orlando and the various theme parks while doing school work at night. But tonight, he had wanted solitude for a while, so he'd returned to Isla Nublar to watch the dinosaurs. They'd been so busy that work on getting the park back in order had fallen to the wayside. And with the Tournament...well he doubted they'd get any work done on it before next June. He smiled as a baby waddled into view, Wu and the others had made a mistake with the frog DNA, but it didn't seem fair to take away the ability to have babies. He glanced over as someone else appeared and smiled for his Godfather.

"Hey kiddo," he ruffled Harry's hair and then tucked him into his side. "Worried?"

Harry shrugged. "Not like we can do anything until after it happens."

"Amelia will be at the Feast, she'll contact us immediately if it happens. She will also be confronting the officials over it," Sirius assured him, and Harry nodded.

"I just really wanted to be done with all this. This is meant to be my life now."

"It will be Harry. We'll get through this and then never step foot in Britain again. We'll get the Park up and running again and you can go to university and learn all you want to about these animals," Sirius promised, and Harry grinned tiredly. "Come on, dinner and the parade and then bed. We'll know by lunch tomorrow."

Harry nodded, and they vanished, reappearing in the hotel suite. They joined the others for dinner in the restaurant and then went to watch the Halloween parade.

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