"Do you not think they'd just go?" Pika asked as Jake took another bite.

"I doubt it," I said while dipping the tender into barbeque sauce for him. "She wants Jake and Brandon to think that they're both the father. It's like she's thriving off of this attention which is pretty messed up."

We all stayed silent before Quinn looked over at Jake and said, "I'm sorry you're going through all of this."

Jake frowned before looking down at his lap. "Sometimes I wonder if this is my punishment for liking Owen."

I immediately looked down at him while asking, "Are you serious?" When he didn't look up I placed a finger under his chin and turned his face towards mine. "Jake, this isn't karma because you haven't even done anything wrong. Just because you're happy you think the universe is trying to punish you? That is so far from the truth and I wish you knew that. Karma is going to come to both of them."

"That's true," Pika said as he nodded. "Karma is a bitch and so is this Elise. They'll get what is coming to them for hurting you."

His blue eyes were looking back up at me before he slowly nodded and rested his head onto my shoulder again. I frowned while wrapping my arms around him and pulling him into my body. This whole situation needed to end so I could have my Jake back. I hated seeing him so sad and was going to do everything I could to help him.


A week had gone by and Jake had barely smiled at all. It made me so upset to see him this sad. I made sure to hold him tighter at night, since he was sleeping in my room now. Today was the day Quinn, Pika and I had successfully managed to get Elise and Brandon to get tested. I may have said I was going to involve legal action if they didn't get their asses to the clinic, which finally made them agree.

As I pulled into a parking space I got out and grabbed Jake's smaller hand, giving him a reassuring smile. We walked into the clinic to see no one there yet since we were a little early. As we sat down I wrapped an arm around his shoulders and kissed his head.

We didn't have to wait long for tweedle dee and tweedle dumb to show up, both glaring at Jake. That made me immediately step up and stand in front of him, staring down at them.

"You two should be ashamed of yourselves. And don't even think about looking at Jake like that anymore today."

Before I could continue I heard a door open before a voice was saying, "Elise, Brandon and Jake?"

As I turned I saw a nurse holding a clipboard, holding the door as Elise and Brandon walked back. Elise was suddenly looking very ghostly white and was acting like she was going to puke. No clue what her problem was. When I turned towards Jake I gave him a smile before watching him walk back with everyone else. When the door shut I sank down into a chair and rested my head into my hands, wanting this whole situation to simply be over already. 


The friendly nurse was smiling at me as I walked through the door and started to follow her and Brandon. Before I could walk into the room I felt a hand pulling on my arm. When I looked down I saw Elise biting her bottom lip, her face pretty white.

"What?" I asked while shoving her off my arm.

"Jake, I don't think I can do this."

I laughed with no emotion while shaking my head. "You are truly unbelievable Elise, you know that? You're the one who started this whole mess so you're going in there to prove you're a liar."

Her hands instantly wounded up onto her stomach which I swore looked bigger than before. I wasn't sure why she was looking so nervous, it was just a DNA test. All she had to do was get a blood sample taken and we had to get a cheek swab.

Heart Eyes *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now