"Mom," I cried while trying to get her off of me. "Please, stop."

"You shut up," she said as my dad left the room. "You are not my son if you openly choose to live in such a sinful lifestyle. You will never be accepted anywhere, and you'll never be loved. I hope people teach you that lesson very hard."

Tears were running down my cheeks as she hit me again before slamming my head against the wall. When a loud crash came from outside, she finally let me go as I ran towards the door. I watched my dad throw things into my car windows, breaking all the glass. He smashed my windshield with a random baseball bat I didn't even know he had.

When he saw me he marched over, making me quickly start to back up. Since my mom was behind me she kept me in place before pulling me back into the house. I started crying harder when my dad suddenly hit me with the bat, my side instantly radiating in pain. "You better never show your face here again."

With that I finally got away from them and ran out the door and down the street. When I turned around I watched my dad suddenly walk towards my car with a can of gasoline, making my face pale. He was then pouring the gasoline all inside the car before taking matches and throwing them in. The flames were getting darker before I turned around and continued to run away.

My body eventually gave out from underneath me as I stumbled onto the grass and fell. I immediately took my phone out of my pocket and tried to unlock it. My fingers were shaking so bad that I kept dropping it, before I finally unlocked it. As it was ringing I ran my sleeve over my face but the tears wouldn't stop.

"Hey," Owen's happy voice filled my ear. "How's it going?"

"I need you," I cried into the phone before starting to sob.

I could hear him grabbing something, possibly keys, on the other end of the line. "Tell me where you are and I'll be there."

Wiping my eyes again I finally looked up to see where I ended up. "I... I'm by the dock by my house. Please Owen, they broke my car and set it on fire."

"I'm coming, I promise you Jake. I need you to give me an address. Can you do that babe?"

"Okay," I whispered while putting him on speaker and sending him a text.

"Perfect, thank you. I'm on my way okay? Just keep breathing."

Tears were still running down my cheeks as I crawled over to a tree and curled up by the trunk. "You're too far," I cried into the phone, realizing it was going to take him around five hours to get to Charlotte from Savannah.

"I'm actually in Atlanta seeing my parents, that should knock about an hour off. Do you have somewhere safe you can get to, or take an Uber to? It'll take me around four hours."

Before I could respond I heard a beep before realizing my phone died. "Shit," I muttered before resting my head against the tree next to me. I simply held my phone against my chest while trying to calm down my breathing.

I wasn't sure how long I stared off into space before getting up and walking over to the water. I sadly stared down into the blue water and saw my sad expression staring back at me. It was probably stupid to have told my parents, but I just didn't want to lie to them. Because if I lied to them I'd end up lying to myself, but that probably would have been better.

I stared out at the water for who knows how long, my entire body feeling sore. When I was brave enough to look down I saw bruises on my arms and knew my face probably looked worse. The pain in my side was getting worse, that baseball bat really did a number on me. My arm was still hurting as well, from when my mom had twisted it.

Heart Eyes *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now