His body relaxed into mine as I carefully lowered him onto the bed. "I never had true friends growing up," he whispered into my shirt. "Brandon was my only guy friend."

I frowned while resting my head against his long hair. How did he not have friends? Jake was one of the nicest people I've ever met, and he'd drop everything to help anyone out. It blew my mind that that scumbag Brandon was the only friend he had.

I wanted him to know he was important to me, that I was glad he was in my life. "I'm here," I whispered while running a hand up and down his back. "This friend isn't going anywhere."

My heart was still feeling strange as he remained quiet for a few minutes. When his body relaxed and he drifted off to sleep, I sighed before running a hand over my face. It'd be nice to get my emotions under control for once in my life. If only.


When my eyes slowly opened the next morning, I stretched a little before realizing Jake's back was to me. His body seemed really close to me, making me realize I had an arm around him. It seemed like he was still asleep which made me yawn. As my body moved more I froze and looked down to see my morning wood hitting Jake in a very vulnerable place. My body broke out in a panic as I flew backwards and instantly hit the ground.

Jake's sleepy blue eyes were looking down at me, worry in his eyes. "Are you okay?" He sounded tired, like he had just woken up. Hopefully he didn't feel my little buddy trying to invade his space. "What happened?"

Yeah, what did happen? I had planned on moving over to Pat's bed but I guess I didn't wake back up before now. It was normal to wake up like that, but it was pretty annoying. However I had never been so hard before and feeling it press against his ass like that was making a sweat form onto my forehead. God, I hope he didn't feel anything and think I was trying something with him. I also didn't want to make things anymore awkward.

"Sorry," I nervously said. "Must've stretched off the bed or something." Since the situation in my pants wasn't getting any better I quickly grabbed a towel while standing up. I made sure to cover myself, still feeling very awkward. "I'm uhm going to go take a shower." I needed the cold water to wake me up out of this strange situation.


With that I quickly exited the room and all but bolted into the bathroom, quickly finding a free shower. Once I shut the curtain I quickly undressed before turning the water as cold as it could go. My hands rested onto the shower wall as the water fell over my head and body, instantly making me shiver. My breath was still coming out fast as my hands balled into fists. I realized I didn't even grab any shampoo or anything, since I ran out so quickly. That only made my hands ball tighter into fists while breathing heavily through my mouth.

As the cold water continued to run over my body I could feel myself relax, and my situation was slowly going down. I ran my hands over my face while looking up at the ceiling, hearing other guys come into the bathroom. God, what was wrong with me lately? I needed to get a grip on myself, and fast.

When I was sure I was boner free, I turned the water off and quickly toweled off my body. I then put my clothes back on before walking out of the bathroom and walked back towards my room. My body instantly stopped when I saw Jake seeming to have a hard time putting his shirt on. My eyes ran over his bare torso, which was starting to turn red. My mouth felt weirdly dry as I looked at his smooth and pale skin, a patch of blonde hair disappearing into his pants. When he noticed I was looking at him he untangled himself and held the shirt in front of his chest.

Heart Eyes *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now