Working for it- S.R.

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You were sat there in the bathroom of your little apartment when you heard the front door open. You knew it had to be Steve since he was the only one with a key, you quickly finished up your FX makeup before walking out of the bathroom and into your room only to be greeted by Steve "What happened?!" he dropped his bag and rushed over to you.

You felt bad knowing that this was going to scare him which wasn't your idea in the first place but you had to practice seeing that you were trying to land a job with a movie company, something you had been working towards for a while. It was your dream to do this for a living something Steve had been supportive of from the beginning. 

"Steve, what are you talking about?" You knew how bad your face looked but were trying to make him think he was loosing it, evil pure evil. "y/n, don't play around with me. Look at your face! Who did that to you?" he grabbed your hands "Nobody" you chuckle 

"What do you mean?" he has that poor look on his face "I did it to myself. I got word that the company I have always wanted to work at is hiring a new makeup artist and so I thought I would brush up on my skills" you took your hand from his and licked your thumb before wiping it on your face smearing one of the bruises you had put on a just a little bit ago.

"You're evil! You let me think that someone had hurt you" he finally released that breath he had been holding in "I promise you that if something had happened I would call you and tell you" you felt so bad for letting him go on like that but it was also kinda funny. "I'm gonna go wash up and then I can make you dinner as an apology" you smiled and kissed his cheek before walking back into the bathroom.

You come out of the bathroom and head to the kitchen to see Steve cutting up vegetables and drinking a beer "Hey I thought I was supposed to cook you dinner to say sorry" you joked grabbing yourself a beer "Well I felt kinda bad for freaking out earlier so I thought we could cook together and enjoy a romantic night in" he smiled as you got the meat out and started to cut it into pieces before seasoning it. The two of you cooking, drinking beers and just talking. 

About a week later you got the call, you got the job! You were so excited you just had to call Steve "Steve!" you yelled through the phone with pure excitement

"What?! Are you okay?!" 

"Yeah I'm fine but guess what?"

"What's up darling?"

"I got the job! I start on Monday!" 

"That's amazing! Tell you what, you get all dolled up and we'll go out to celebrate tonight. Just the two of us"

"Okay Stevie what time should I be expecting you?"

"Around 7. Listen I love you but I gotta go, Stark is starting to make fun of me for being so mushy" he chuckles

"I love you more. See you tonight" you hang up and look at the time seeing that it's only around 3 right now, you decide to go shower and shave to be ready for tonight. You and Steve had done it a couple of times but he always felt bad afterwards. You were just excited to see him tonight, you loved hen he got all dressed up like he was trying to impress you.

It was now 630 and you were done getting ready for the date, you made sure to clean up your room and be prepared. You made sure that there was some wine chilling in the fridge along with the beers you normally kept in there for Steve. You turned on the news and saw that there had been an attack on New York City similar to the one Loki had done a few years ago. Your heart dropped and instantly knew that Steve would be out there fighting.

You called his phone knowing that he wouldn't answer, so you decided to leave a voicemail "Hey Steve, I know you're busy because I'm watching the news. I just want you to know that I love you and I need you to come home safe because you're my everything. Call me when you get a chance" you hung up and decided to go change and take off your makeup before crawling into bed. You lied there waiting for your phone to ring, hoping that it would but eventually you drifted off.


You were startled awake by a persistent knocking on your front door, quickly glanced at the clock seeing it was 3 in the morning. You walked out to the front door and looked through the peephole seeing Steve standing there, quickly opening the door he wasted no time in pulling you into a hug. "Forget your key?" you joked and you felt him nod.

"I've been calling you. I freaked out when you didn't answer. I got your voicemail and was worried that something happened" he said before kissing the top of your head, you breathed in his scent "I was terrified. I saw what was happening and I thought I was going to loose you" your face against his chiseled chest. You took him by the hand and pulled him to your room shutting and locking the front door behind you. 

You two get to the room and you sit on the end of the bed staring at him "I'm sorry that I missed dinner" he apologized 

"hey, I told you that you never have to apologize to me for saving the world. You are just doing your job" you pulled his knuckles to your lips before pressing a kiss into them. He smiled and went over to his drawer before pulling out a pair of sweatpants "I'm gonna change and then I plan on holding you all night and never letting go" he slipped out of his shirt and then his boots followed by his pants. He slipped on the sweats as you crawled into bed waiting for him to crawl into the bed so you could lay your head against his chest.

Once he got comfortable you did exactly what you were planning to do "y/n"

"Yeah Stevie?"

"I have a question for you"

"Well I'm all ears" you smiled up at him as he chuckled at your response "I was wondering if you wanted to move into together?"

"Of course I would! I love sleeping next to you and this whole thing just made me realize that I couldn't imagine life without you" you pulled him as close to you as possible "Then let's get married"

"What?" you bolted up "I've been dying to ask you since our first date but I mean obviously that wasn't an option. I've been with you for almost 2 years and I've pictured what it would be like everyday"

"I just can't believe you, Mr. Always-has-to-have-a-plan didn't plan this out" you chuckle "But of course I'd marry you Steve, I love you more than life itself" you leaned forward and gave him a kiss. 


The next few weeks were crazy, between him moving in with you and the engagement and your new job things seemed to be flying by. You were almost always working late to be able to catch up to your co-workers.

When you got home that night you saw Steve standing there at the stove cooking something "It smells delicious in here" you hummed walking into the kitchen "I figured I would spoil my girl tonight and cook us dinner"

"I feel bad, I've been working late everyday for a few weeks. I'm sorry Stevie" you kiss his cheek.

"y/n, you've been working so hard and I'm so proud of you for not slowing down when you saw the struggle. I completely understand having work take over your life every once in a while and if you can be as understanding when it comes to my job, then it's the least I can do for you." 

"I really did get the best guy" you smile before going to set the table. The rest of the night was spent catching up and reconnecting. It was nice to finally have him to yourself and you knew he felt the same, you two ended the night with a movie and some cuddles on the couch. It was the perfect ending to the perfect night.

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