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"Stop it! You're hurting her!" That was the only thing you could hear. Your 3 year old son screaming at your ex to get off you. To stop hitting you.

You quickly sit up, looking around the room, realizing that you were in yours and Buckys room, and he was sitting right there with a worried expression on his face "y/n? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I guess I just had a nightmare."

"Same one as always?" Bucky says rubbing your back with his flesh hand

"Yeah. I'm gonna go check on Emmet. I'll be right back" you lean over and kiss Bucky on the forehead before walking down the hall to your son's bedroom, quietly opening the door to see your little man cuddled up to a Captain America stuffed toy. You smile and walk back to your room, the room you share with Bucky. He came into your life almost a year ago, and he's been great. Emmet loves him, and so do you. When you get back to the room, you see Bucky sitting there waiting for you. "How's the little man?"

"Good. He had the Cap toy that Steve got for him tucked under his arm."

"Steve is gonna love hearing about that at work tomorrow."

"Speaking of which, we should probably get back to bed."

"Are you sure? I can go make you a cup of tea," Bucky says, adjusting when you crawl into the bed "no, it's fine, I'd rather just cuddle with you. It's one of the last days we get together before you leave for your mission" you say leaning into his side and laying your head in his shoulder.

"It's only a day, maybe two," his voice barely audible as he leans down and kisses the top of your head "it's still so long, I'll miss you, and you know Emmet will miss you too" he smiles and pulls you closer. You two eventually fall back to sleep, but morning comes before you know it. You're awakened by the sound of Emmet giggling; it was coming from the kitchen. You crawl out of bed and make your way to the kitchen "Mommy!" Your son says, running up to you with a huge smile, "Morning handsome, what're my two favorite guys up to?" You ask, squatting down and picking him up. "We're making pancakes!" He excitedly yells, "oh?" You say surprised, Bucky looks at you knowingly. "I called and told the team that I would come in later today because I had to spend time with my family."

Your heart fluttered hearing him say that; it wasn't the first time he had said that, but it still made your heart jump hearing the way he talked about it. "So I was thinking, why don't you two come into work with me today?" He asks, looking at you, searching your face for an answer. "I don't know, Buck, you guys have a lot of work to get done, and I don't want us distracting you."

"Please, Uncle Steve has been asking when the next time his little buddy could come hang out."

"Mama, please," Emmet asks and starts wiggling around, so you put him down. "Okay, but only for a little bit because you need to train" you walk up and kiss your boyfriend on the cheek.

The afternoon had come faster than you realized as you were getting ready to load up Emmet, "Who do you want to ride with?" You ask him, "Both!"

"We have to drive separately because then Bucky wouldn't have a way home," you tease. "I could always ask Steve to drop me off. I'm sure he wouldn't mind" you nod in agreement and finish loading up. Once you get there, things were pretty relaxing; you didn't feel like your instincts had to be on hyperdrive because you were literally surrounded by superhero's who loved you and your son equally. You, James, and Emmet walked down to the gym to surprise Steve; Bucky went in first and got his attention before you and Emmet walked through the door.

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