Protection- S.R.

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You walked into your dads lab "Hey pops" you said sitting on his workbench "y/n Stark what have I told you about sitting on the workbench?" You just shrug earning a sigh from your father.

"Did you need something?" He asks continuing to work on whatever project it is this time "Just wondering if you've seen Cap? We are supposed to train together"

"You're training with Capsicle? Don't break the old mans hip kid" Tony says with a chuckle

"I'd be more worried about her breaking your heart Stark" you hear Steve say from the doorway "Stevie! There you are!" You say and jump down off the with a smile so big you were worried it might be obvious to your dad that Steve was not just your training partner but your boyfriend, you guys head off to go train. Afterwards you decide to go back to your room and watch movies. You were sitting there when you heard a knock at your door, you get up and go open it to see your dad standing there with a big smile "We're throwing a party tonight. I forgot to tell you"

"Mom told me a week ago. Catch up old man" you shut your door and look at the time and decide to get dressed in a silk red dress that is almost floor length with a slit up to your thigh, knowing how much Steve was gonna love it you did your hair and makeup and of course you finished your makeup off with your signature red lipstick before you heard a knock on the door "it's open!" You shout slipping on the heels you borrowed from Nat

"Woah. You look amazing" your recognized Steve's voice so you turn around and see him in his suit "Well don't you look dapper" you say with a wink. You guys walk to the elevator and the doors start to close before being stopped by a metal arm "Buck! You're here" you say with excitement and he opens the door the rest of the way before joining you guys in the elevator.

The party is in full swing. Steve of course walked off because he didn't want your dad to catch on so you were sat at the bar by yourself until Nat came up to you "Let's dance! You look too good to be sitting at a bar by yourself" she smiles and drags you out to the dance floor. You guys were dancing when you felt someone come up behind you and start grinding on you "Hey back off! I have a boyfriend!" You say turning around to push the guy off but that doesn't stop him. He keeps trying to grind on you and just when you're about to punch him and fist comes flying across his face "Back off my girl!" You hear and look up to see Steve standing there. You look around and see your dad standing right behind Steve "Alright everyone! Looks like the party is over. Get out!" You hear your dad shout and everyone starts to leave "You two. My office. Now" you and Steve walk up there and sit on the loveseat in your dads office, him and your mom come in shortly after "y/n honey why didn't you tell me that you and Steve are together? I would have been there to support you" your mom says looking at you with a frown "Pepper. Now is not the time. They lied to us!" Tony says his voice full of anger. "Y/n, would you give your dad and I some time please?" Steve says looking at you "come see me after?"

"Of course doll" he says and kisses your forehead before you get up and go to your room.

About an hour and a half later there was knock at your door, so you quickly got up and opened the door to see Steve standing there with his bags "What's going on?! Why do you have all your bags?" You say trying to hold back tears "Your dad kicked me out. He said it was either stay here and not be with you or move out. So I'm gonna go stay with a friend until I can find a place of my own"

"Just give me a minute and I'll change and grab some clothes and we can go stay at a hotel for the night. Just the two of us. Okay?"

"You don't have to do that y/n"

"But I want to besides tonight could be the night. I wanted it to be tonight anyways but I didn't get a chance to tell you. Please just wait for me in the lobby I'll be ready in no time at all"

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