Little Insecurities- S.R.

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It was 3 am and there you were laying in bed next to Steve, your boyfriend of 4 years. He of course was asleep, you on the other hand were scrolling through Instagram looking at all the pictures from the party tonight. Most of the ones you were getting was Steve talking to these girls who were gorgeous by all standards. After about an hour you had enough and threw your phone down, you go to the bathroom and look at your reflection in the mirror.

You were standing there pointing out the things you didn't like to yourself, you were so busy that you didn't see Steve walk in "hey where'd you go?" He asks rubbing the sleep from his eyes

"Just came to use the bathroom" you lie turning to face him

"Are you okay?" He asks stepping closer to you.

"I'm fine Stevie" you says turning away and facing the mirror again

"Y/N. Don't lie to me" he says with concern in his voice, he looks at you in the mirror

"Why are you with me? I'm not like those girls" you say finally letting out the tears you've been holding back.

"What are you talking about?" Steve says absolutely surprised "You know why I'm with you. Y/N, I love you"

"I don't look like those girls from tonight. I mean look at me!" You gesture to your body, Steve walks closer and wraps his arms around your waist "You are right. You don't look like those girls" he says earning a look from you, causing you to turn around and look at him "Those girls have nothing on you. You're gorgeous. I love everything about your body" Steve says taking his hands and running his hands all over your body and finally landing on your hips "Don't ever compare yourself to those girls. Because while they're beautiful in they're own way, you are the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen"

You start to cry harder "Even Tony knows that you belong with one of those girls"

"What did he say?"

"Nothing I didn't already know" You say pushing Steve's hands off your hips and forcing your way out of the bathroom making your way to the bed and sitting down on the edge

"Y/N! What did he say?!" Steve raised his voice to you something he's never done before

"He walked up to me at the party tonight and said that I have some serious competition and then chuckled and said 'nah. They'd win. Always' before walking off" you say covering your face with your hands before balling your eyes out. Steve drops to his knees in front of you "Y/n, please listen to me. I love you more than life itself. I only talk to those girls because I feel like I don't deserve a woman like you. Tony doesn't know what he's talking about. You are so beautiful it takes my breath away every time you walk into a room" he says placing his hands one on each thigh and resting his head in the middle."Do you really feel that way? You deserve someone amazing Stevie, I love you" You day lifting your head and looking at him. Steve lifts his head and smiles at you "There's my pretty girl" he says and stands grabbing you up by your hands.

He kisses you with such passion and love that it feels like you're floating. Once you pull apart you guys lay back down and spend the rest of the night cuddling. Just before you start to drift off Steve looks at you "Tomorrow, you and I are gonna go have a talk with Tony. I'm sick of him tearing you down" he says and kisses your forehead. You guys drift off to sleep. 

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