Anatomy Park

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It's Christmas in the Smith household and we are having Jerry's family come over. Right now Jerry is making ham and we all are chilling in the lounge room. Except for Rick, no one knows where he ever is.

Jerry walks into the lounge room and notices we are all on our devices.  "Uhm, Merry Christmas? Hello? My parents are coming over for the first time in years, can we stow the gadgets and look alive?"

"Alive? For your parents?" Beth says, looking up from her iPad. Jerry takes it and puts it in a stocking.

"Hey, man!" Beth objects.

"You hey man! This holiday is about humanity."

"I thought it was about being born half-god or something." I join in. As Jerry demands for all the electronics I get up and leave.

"Uh, Y/N. Where are you going?" Jerry asks.

"Garage. Away from this shitty human holiday thing." I answer.

"A-ho, ho, ho, everybody." Rick says walking through the door, with someone following behind him. I chuckle at his antics as Jerry comes to the door intervening.

"More like whoa whoa whoa, what is this, my parents are coming."

"Calm down, Jerry, this is Reuben, an old friend."

"Pearl Harbor." He mumbles.

"I check in on him once a year and give him a little medical evaluation." By this time, Beth has joined us and she comments on how sweet Rick is being.

"Yeah it is. I don't get it." Jerry says, suspicion in his voice.

"Jerry you never get anything." I comment while rolling my eyes.

"Don't worry about your Christmas. Y/N and I will be with Reuben in my workshop while you guys are having another day in Phil Collins' proverbial Paradise." Rick ends the conversation while walking Reuben to the garage. I follow behind him and I close the door.

*     *     *

Rick comes back into the garage with Morty on his tail.

"He's in bad shape, Morty." 

"Aw, Geez, Rick, what'd you do?" Morty worries.

"Gee, thanks, Morty, what kind of monster do you think I am? I'm sitting here trying to save the guy's life, I need your help. I want you to find Dr. Xenon Bloom, he'll know what's going on." While instructing Morty on what to do, he puts multiple devices on the kid.

"Where do I find Dr. Bloom?"

"In Reuben." Rick answers, grabbing a helmet from the shelf.

"Reuben, Minne-Minnesota?"

"Reuben on the table, Morty, look, I don't have time to- for you to wrap you little walnut around everything" He says, dragging across a ray connected to a platform. "Just hold your breath until the process is over or your lungs will collapse." 

The ray shrunk down Morty into a tube, which Rick puts into a needle and stuck it into Reuben's chest cavity. At that moment, Beth came in and looks to me and asks for Morty's whereabouts.

"He's busy." Rick answers. He grabs a headset and puts one on me and then one on himself.

"Can you hear me? Head North." Rick orders.

"Rick? Y/N? Where am I?"

"Depending on my aim, you should be just south of the entrance." I look at him and he gets into position.

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