3. Cozy in the rocket

Start from the beginning

As I've reached the end of the paddock I managed to find another way back so I didn’t have to walk by the Ferrari Home again. I've just reached the Energy Station when I met Vicky again. 

"Hello Vicky," I greeted her. She waved to me to follow her inside. 

"I was just looking for you. Lurking around, ha?" She smirked. It was an innocent question but after the strange encounter with Leclerc I really felt that I was at the forbidden place before.

"No, I just took a walk, I didn’t want to bother you in the preparation" I mumbled.

"Don’t be kidding. Max asked me to find you. He said he called you but you didn’t answer your phone," she said.

"No way it’s right here in my pocket" I said while reached for my phone. True, Max called me two times already, and I didn’t hear it because it was on silent mode. 

"Never mind, come with me," she said. I followed her to the restricted corridor with the drivers personal rooms. We nearly bumped into Daniel, like physically. He was already in his racing gear and flashed a great smile looking at us. 

"Hey ladies," he nodded "what are you up to?" he asked curiously. 

"Not now Dani" Vicky waved him away. I looked at him apologetically, as Vicky pushed me in his teammate's room. Max was in there with his trainer Jake and he looked panicked.

"Fuck Clara, thank god you're here. I called you," he said.

"What’s the matter?" I looked at him. He was nervous but otherwise looked healthy.

"I'm freaking out. I feel my chest heavy. What if it starts again?" he asked, "What if the stress or anything makes it worse?"

‘"Okay, first of all that’s not very likely,’ I smiled at him trying to calm his nerves, "But if you want to go hundred percent, then use your ventolin inhaler twice just before the race" I said. He stood up and went to his bag looking for the inhaler. He found it and used it twice as I said. 

"It’s now. Before the race is now," he said. He took a couple of deep breaths and looked at me a little bit more relaxed than before. 

"Thanks Clara. With this illness I feel so vulnerable. I was always so sure I'm invulnerable. I’ve never felt like this before," he looked so sad I felt sorry for him.

"Max, it's a condition which we can held stable and asymptomatic with the right medications. You're young and tough".

"And luckily I have you around," he cheered up a bit on the thought.

‘"Yes, lucky you" I laughed as he hugged me. I hugged him back and looked up at him "Now, go and win a race for us, ok?"

"Yes, doctor" he nodded and hurried out of the room, with us following.

"Thanks Clara" Jake stepped beside me. He was so tall and generally big that I felt tiny next to his frame. 

"You helped a lot to him and he’s so grateful for you. He trusts you and he doesn’t trust a lot of people," he looked serious but his look was gentle. He squeezed my shoulder and guided me outside.

"You can be with us until the start," he said and pointed to the grid. I saw the crowd gathering around the cars, I didn’t even see Max or his car behind the mess of mechanics, engineers, trainers and journalists. I followed Jake to the front. Max jumped already in his car, relaxing and zooming out. He held up his thumb as he saw me stepping next to his car. 

I smiled but started to feel nervous for him. I really hoped he will win the race. He looked so motivated and wanted to be world champion more than anything. I took a look around us. After the red bull car were the two mercedes, surrounded by dozens of mechanics. Hamilton and Bottas were both in their cars waiting patiently.

Next to us just a few meters behind, the ferrari car was still empty. It was waiting for the young monegasque. I just started wondering where could he be when I noticed him. He was sitting by the pitwall on is own holding a red umbrella in one hand and his water flask in the other. He was sipping liquid out of his flask and gazing the asphalt. What on earth are these drivers drinking all the time before races? Is it some isotonic drink or just water? I bet Lando drinks milk and Raikönnen has vodka. 

And at that very one moment his greenish eyes found me again. He seemed curious, and this time I didn’t turn away. We watched each other for a few seconds, then he got up and started walking. My heart jumped as I thought he’s going to come over to me but he went on to sit in his car. Silly me. Before taking on his helmet he looked at Max’s car last time. If looks could kill I wouldn’t have to bother with Max’s health anymore.

It was time, so his staff said good luck to Max, mechanics were patting his helmet, I waved, Jake made a fistbump and we headed off the grid. In a minute the engines started buzzing and the lamps went out as the show started.

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