A Strange Relationship

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A/N: Okay, so, I decided to make this a little more fast paced for this chapter just because I had an idea of what I could do with the two of them. But this took hella long to update, but it got updated so yay. Love me I'm needy cx

Kanda's POV

Never before has Komui dared to lie to me, and just send me on a mission that didn't even involve innocence in the slightest. If it had been an assumption, fine. But there were maybe five or six akuma, and all level one. And that damned Allen seemed so useless... Hardly able to take out two of them by the time I had started on the last. This is why I had working missions with other people. Pisses me off.

"Hey, Kanda, what'd you mean on the train?" Allen had spoken up after a while of basically just walking off on his own and looking around after the fight. I don't know what he was doing and I don't care, but I have a feeling he was eating. Again. But at least I didn't have to be around him all the time. "What are you talking about?" I asked, hardly even glancing over my shoulder before I had seen his noticeable white hair just slightly showing from underneath the hood of the coat. "Well you said some things about Lavi, and I was wondering what you meant. That's all." He was acting like an idiot. Why was I constantly surrounded by idiots?

Allen's POV

"All I even said was good luck. What's there to wonder about?" It was pretty strange being able to talk to Kanda without fighting or yelling, but who knows how long that will actually last. "Well, for starters, why'd you say good luck?" I guess it's not the only thing he said, but it was definitely the one the make you really question what it could even mean. I just figure it means there's something that he's hiding? I don't really know anyone very well.

"There's nothing really special about it. It's just strange that Lavi kissed you. Don't you think?" By then, I had started walking next to Kanda and he glanced at me, I don't even know why he had. "It is. That's why I was thinking about it so much on the train. I don't know why he did it." And I hadn't really stopped thinking about it since it happened. Would anyone just be able to ignore that something like that happened? Someone just out of the blue kisses you. What're you supposed to think about that? No one here has known me for longer than a few weeks. And I mean just a few. Maybe a bit more than a month.

"Thinking about it won't help you. You'll never know what that idiot's thinking about." For once, when Kanda was insulting someone, he wasn't so rude about it; or at least he didn't sound pissed off.

Kanda's POV

It was hard to think that Lavi could already be so interested in this shorty. Well, maybe not all that strange. I think everyone is just interested in him, he's pretty damn weird looking, and even his actions for how old he is are strange.

"What do you mean? You won't understand what he's thinking? People that have known him for a while should be able to tell right?" He asked, and honestly it seemed like one of the stupidest things a person could ask; but he also hadn't been here as long as Leenalee and me.

"You might have to know him for years, and you still won't understand him. Personally, he's just an idiot." I replied, glancing at Allen who seemed to be staring at me, which irritated me and I glared at him, finally, he looked away. Who would have thought a simple kiss could get this idiot so hung up over someone. He has better things to be worry about, one of them being to actually get stronger. "He's not actually an idiot, it's just his personality." Allen said, causing me to look at him as if he just said something along the lines of the Earl being a friend. "He's pretty damn stupid. You're just to damn attached to the fool." I replied, looking forward with a "Che."

Allen's POV

After he finished speaking, my shoulders fell a bit, and I was done with the conversation that we were having. I just wanted him to explain what he meant and it turned out entirely different. "Alright, alright. But can we just talk about what you meant on the train?" I asked, and he didn't even look at me. Not that it was surprising though. I fully expected him to do something along the lines. "I meant exactly what I said. Good luck means good luck. You're dealing with Lavi now, and there's nothing you can do about it. Have fun." Was what he said, rather harshly before speeding up and walking away from me. Now he was done with this conversation, not surprisingly. He was quick to anger no matter who it was; well, I hadn't seen it happen with Leenalee yet... I guessed that he was going back to his room so that I wouldn't bother him anymore, but that also meant that I could just do whatever I wanted. So I went exploring a bit before returning... When it started getting darker. It wasn't long before we returned to The Order, empty handed, and we hadn't even been attacked. So unlike my mission with Lavi.

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