New Partner

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Allen's POV

It was strange, for once the doors weren't locked tight, and I could walk in effortlessly. I walked into the familiar scene of seemingly glowing fog, making it nearly impossible to see but five feet in front of you, and even that was hard.

I headed to the spot I usually went to, but I never got there. I felt the air shift, and I acted on instinct. Though, maybe that was only because Cross had attacked me so many times after I'd finished working, He had claimed it was to keep me on my toes and ready for any attack. My Master finally became useful.

I quickly side-stepped the attack, sliding across the floor slightly, coming to a stop. I hardly saw it coming, but I saw the figure launch at me, moving faster than any normal person I'd ever seen. I moved again, trying to access what was happening. The silhouette shifted into my sight. Weapons in both hands, small framed.

There was no glint of metal before the lunged, slashing at me, and it felt familiar to me. Such fast movements, the precision in the attack, and the slightest feeling of a murderous aura. It was familiar, in more than one way. The danger I felt, it seemed like Kanda was pointing Mugen at my throat again.

I didn't even think, just acted, trying to activate my innocence again. The mist that it now was rushed toward me, nearly taking form before dissolving again. I saw my adversary. Female, pale, arms being the actual weapon. She seemed like me, her own body able to turn itself into the weapon.

She showed no hesitation as she attacked me again, and again, relentlessly. I barely had any time to gather my footing before she launched yet another attack at me. So far, she had only been swinging her blades at me, but never giving me enough time to attack her in return. Not that I would even be able to. She had weapons, whereas I was unarmed. The next time she attacked, I didn't think, but continued to move, getting as much distance between us as possible.

"What are you doing?! I don't know you, why are you attacking me!" I demanded, and simply got a bored look in return, but she ceased her attacks and reverted her arms back from their weapon form. "Getting back at the brat who made it hard to find my way." I tensed, and I don't doubt the confused look I had was what made her roll her eyes, and huff. "Have you told him nothing Bak?! How could they leave someone like you in charge!" She called, looking toward the observation room above us.

"You're the one who refused to go see him after he was conscious again." Came Bak's voice, and somehow, it irritated me that he hadn't stopped her from attacking me. They were comrades, he could have said anything. "Now, if you would introduce yourself." He stated, and she crossed her arms, shaking her head.

"Fou, the guardian of this place. I'm also the person who dragged your ass back her while you bled on me. Surprised you're not dead." My jaw went slack as I stared at her in wonder and surprise, blinking while I processed what she had said to me. "This damn mist made it a pain to get back faster." She, Fou, grumbled irritably. "Ah, I'm sorry. Thank you for carrying me back her." I spoke quickly, bowing slightly. Though, I hadn't expected a fist to collide with my skull and make me stumbled forward a bit. When had she moved over here. "Pain in the ass brat." She groaned.

"And to explain what's going on," Bak's voice came, and I could just hear him smirking, "She's going to try to kill you. All you have to do is activate your innocence and fight back." He said, as if it was simple. He wasn't the one going to be killed because he had no way to defend himself. "Wait-" But I was cut off with a kick to my shoulder blades.

"Don't talk, survive." Fou said, disappearing back into the fog that was my arm. I couldn't anything but dodge her incoming attacks, or block them. Though, I opted for moving away from her. I'd rather not take the chance of being cut into.

We continued for hours a day, day after day until I was exhausted, and even then, we didn't stop. We only took breaks or stopped entirely when Fou wished for it. I didn't know whether or not she was holding back, but I could tell she didn't particularly care if she injured, or killed me so it seemed.

She'd bruised and battered me, left shallow cuts on my body, and I'm sure at some point she might sprain, fracture, or brake my body. I never seemed to get any better at defending myself, and I never landed any solid attacks, only ever scrapping her.

And you can be sure I wasn't prepared for what happened next.

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