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A/N: It’s just really a filler. But at least it’s starting to get updated earlier. cx But the past two (?) chapters are kinda short… Probably this one too.

Lavi’s POV

I’m not sure why, but it feels like Allen lies to me sometimes, depending on what I ask him, and sometimes it seems just totally random. But I can’t exactly push him on it, seeing as Hevlaska called him ‘The Destroyer of Time.’ Whatever that’s supposed to mean.

When we got back to the hotel, all we really did was bandage each other up. “Not many people were hiding in doors. So do you think that the Akuma just showed up?” Allen asked, but he was right, people weren’t hiding inside until we started fighting. But then again, they could all very well be Akuma. “I’m not sure. The Millennium probably just sent a few level ones and twos here to check and see if there was any innocence.” I replied, finishing wrapping up his chest. It was strange, doing sort of made me anxious. Allen’s entire existence makes me anxious; I wonder why.

“But that was the only Akuma there.” Was Allen mumbling to himself now? And how does he even know if that was the only Akuma there. It should be impossible to tell. “Allen, you can’t tell Akuma from human. They take a human’s skin." I definitely heard what he said, but he froze when I brought it up, and just turned to look at me. So he was hiding something from me; something important I guess.

Allen’s POV

I said something I shouldn’t have. I already said something about Mana cursing me, my eye. And now I had practically just told him I was hiding things from him. And it was something I thought was actually really important. Being able to see an Akuma soul was a blessing, and a curse. It’s probably what actually kept me alive when I was with General Cross.

"About that... I already knew that there was an Akuma, just before it attacked. But I didn’t really see any others.” I said hesitantly. He wasn’t going to be very happy about that. “But I-“ And then he cut me off. “How did you know there was an Akuma, and why didn’t you tell me earlier?” Lavi said; like I said, he was not happy about me hiding it. “Well, I was trying to say I didn’t have any time to react to it. Much less tell you. And believe me, I was going to tell you.” I mumbled, averting my gaze. I was just trying to explain it to him. “But how did you know? How is it even possible to tell them apart?” He asked yet another question. I only hoped I wouldn’t have to tell him absolutely everything. I wasn’t exactly up for it at the moment.

Lavi’s POV

How could he just hide these kinds of things from people? He can see the difference between the two, but he doesn’t tell anyone about it? That’s just not right. Not only that, but it probably could have given us an upper hand when we were fighting that level two.

“I’m sorry. Just let me explain. And you still need to take care of your injuries.” He said quietly. Why was he acting timid? It’s not like I don’t already know, unless he’s still hiding something. “Fine, whatever. Just get it over with.” I don’t even remember a time I was this angry. Why can he do these things to me? Allen moved around me silently, and just started working on my body, not talking.

“Well?” I prompted. I wanted to know. I’m a Bookman, it’s what I do. I learn things and record them, this is worthy of that. “You asked me about my cursed eye before, when I’d just gotten to the Order. I told you my father did it. But he did it when I was killing him.” He voice just dropped even more. I wouldn’t have been able to hear a thing he was saying if he hadn’t been right behind me. “Okay? Go on.” Again, I was prompting him to answer me.

"He died once before that. And I met the Earl, and he brought my father back from the dead." He paused again, but I didn’t say anything. I had nothing to say. If that was true, Allen should be dead along with his father, and an Akuma. But here he was, with innocence in his arm.

"When he brought him back, and tried to take over my body, my innocence activated on its own. And then destroyed his ‘body.’” What? How does that even happen?

Allen’s POV

I didn’t really like talking about this subject at all. It brought up the last, horrible, memories that I had of Mana.

"When he was dying for the second time, he cursed me before he as gone. He cut my eye, and my hair turned white probably around the same time. After that it’s really just hazy. I was sitting there for a few hours, and then General Cross found me, and said that he’d train me.” I stopped again, taking a breath.

Now I got to remember every memory I had with Cross. My master. All of which, were horrible. Paying off his debts, him leaving me alone to kill my friend, fight a group of level ones, and hitting me over the head with a hammer and leaving Tim with me to help me find my way to the Order. I never wanted to remember, and now I was about to tell someone I just met all about it.

“The first time I had a run in when I was with my master, my eye activated. And I could see them. Every last one. The Akumas’ souls. It’s the only difference between human and monster.” I finished, only making Lavi look back at me. He looked confused, but still interested. But I don’t think he knew what to say to me this time. There was no comment to lighten the mood, or one to distract me and get me insulting Kanda. There was just nothing but a silence between us until he figured out what to say. “Let’s just finish up what we have to do here, and then we can talk about it. Stay the night, whatever you want.” Lavi said. He somehow seemed concerned.

Lavi’s POV

I didn’t know what to say to him. He’s lost his father, and then brought him back to find out he was going to die at his hands, and then involuntarily killed him, and was cursed by the same man. Then only to find out his curse helped him differentiate human and Akuma. Useful, yes. But it still had a story behind it.

He wasn’t born that way like I was. Born with an eye you can’t really use, but one that can still see. He can see and use his eye, but his world looks so different from ours, even though we’re both humans, living in the same world.

I wonder if that was what made me so anxious of him? But here I am, I feel the exact same way as before. After he finished with my injuries, we left the room, and went looking for the innocence. Allen seemed to know his way around pretty well, so he had searched everywhere it could be pretty quickly. But he hadn’t found it, or run into any other Akuma at all. We got back to the hotel pretty late, and we were both tired. So we fell asleep without saying much more than goodnight to each other.

It was fine with me, but I was still so interested in what he had to say about everything. I basically wanted to know exactly what he saw, and how he felt, but I’d never really know.

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