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A/N: And still way too busy with school. And I just had to go ahead and try out for the school play, and volunteer to help and act for our haunted house. Bet you all hate me right now. Buuuut, I'm planning on updating more often, computer works again, and I might be publishing more bxb here. Though, it'll be purely fiction from my mind and not based on any anime/manga.

Lavi's POV

Allen just tried to shut the door on me, and I wasn't really all that happy about it. He was making it so obvious that he was trying to avoid me, even looking at me seemed to be hard for him. It really just seemed to get to me, even though before Bookman "trained" me not to feel, I had similar feelings to this. I would have liked to not reminisce the past.

"Care to tell me why you tried to shut the door in my face? Or why you've been avoiding me?" I asked him, while only seemed to make him nervous, and he began to fidget; moving his weight around, messing with his hands, and what he was wearing. I shook me head, though, I don't think he was paying enough attention to actually notice that I had.

"Well, you see... The mission we went on was a bit..." He didn't even finish his sentence. But I could tell what he was thinking. "Okay, that makes sense, but it's not like it's that big a deal. It was a shower, and you had to sleep in the same bed as me." I said, rather matter-of-factly, but just thinking about it seemed to lift my mood. Allen still hadn't known that I harbored feelings for him.

Allen's POV

I could tell that Lavi wasn't really all that happy. I knew he wouldn't be, I'd just tried to shut him out. But it was a bit strange to see him this way. Then entire time I'd been here and been around him, I haven't seen him do much more than smile and mess around, and reading books obsessively. It was like he was disappointed.

I didn't even know what I was supposed to tell him, but what he said next was completely right about why I had been avoiding him. "Well, that is why I was avoiding you..." I came so close to adding a but to that sentence, and I'm glad that I didn't, but unfortunately for me, Lavi is more perceptive than most, kind of like Master Cross... "What else? You can't just avoid me for that type of reason. And if we were put on another mission together, you wouldn't be able to avoid me then." Lavi said, which he was entirely right about.

It was irritating me that he was just questioning me so much. Couldn't he just leave it alone? "Alright... But can't we just talk about it later?" I asked, but all he did was shake his head and started walking toward me slowly, and I started backing away from him. Right into a wall. Great. Now I was both literally, and metaphorically backed into a wall.

Lavi's POV

He wants to talk about it later, when we could talk about it right now? We're both right here, in his room, that's about as private as it gets. "No, I want to talk about it right now. It's obviously effecting you. Now you can start or I can." I said, just watching him. I was close enough that he couldn't really escape, but I felt like trapping him even more, though I didn't do it. But I did end up sighing when he wasn't talking, but right when I did, he started to talk, quietly.

"Well... I don't really know why, but thinking about what happened is embarrassing for me. And I really didn't want to be around you because of that..." He said. It was hard to hear what he said, but I could at least piece together what he had said. "It's embarrassing? How. We're both guys." I said, looking at him quizzically, though he wasn't even looking at me anymore. "Like I said, I don't know. It just is. And I don't want to think about it." He added, though, he sounded more annoyed now, and he at least glanced at me.

It was actually pretty cute to see him acting like this after he had avoiding me so much. "You don't have any idea then?" I asked, and he old shook his head at me. But it did make sense. He was living we General Cross for a long time. I can't imagine he had any time to do much else but try to not get killed...

Allen's POV

Now I was definitely starting to get annoyed with him not just dropping it. Plus, I really didn't like being pushed up against the wall. I mean, sure it was fine for a few seconds, but it had  all been minutes, and it felt much longer than that for me. Then, there was the fact that he was so close to me... What had happened on my mission with him was coming back, and much more detailed than it had when I was alone.

"Can you back away from me now? It's uncomfortable not being able to move." I mumbled, looking up at him but all he was doing now was smiling, and I was instantly confused. But what he did next was even more confusing.

It took me a while to figure out what was happening. At first, it was just his hand going through my hair to the back of my head; honestly, his hand was warm, and it felt nice to have him touching me, not that I'd tell him that. But after that, his other arm was around me, and I opened my mouth to protest, but nothing came out. Or more, I was cut off by the soft warmth on my lips. All I could really do was blink for a moment as I slowly understood what was happening, then my face started to radiate heat.

Lavi's POV

It made me happy that the only reason that Allen had be avoiding me was because he was embarrassed. Actually, I think that little detail made me the happiest I had been in a long time. It was pretty odd. The next thing I knew, Allen was in my arms, and I was kissing him. Yeah, that was probably a bad idea to do, but he wasn't exactly resisting me. It even reminded me of when we had to share the bed on the train. We were just as close as we were there.

After a moment, I felt his hands on my chest pushing me, though not very much. He was probably going to try and question me on why I had done that, but I wasn't going to let him. I pulled away from the kiss, and released him from my arms slowly, and just as he opened his mouth to talk, I cut him off. "Oh, by the way. That wasn't the only reason I came here. I also came to say that you have a mission with Kanda tomorrow."

His expression had entirely changed; it went from flustered to angry. "I have to do what?! What the hell is Komui thinking?!" Oh yeah, this was going to be lovely... I started to walk out of his room and he followed me, throwing a fit over having to work with Kanda.

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