The Bed

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A/N: I’m so tired, and bored, and Laven… I had to. It’s just about the best thing in the world. So, I’m going back to school on the 13th, and I won’t be posting as frequently as I have been recently. But I’ll still do it when I can. Which would probably be some time after four/five pm.

Lavi’s POV

As soon as the train pulled in, Allen walked right on, and into one of the further private rooms. I wasn’t sure why, but he did. And for once, I was following Allen, and not the other way around. Don’t get me wrong, it was kinda cute in a little kid/lost puppy kinda way.

I walked into the room after Allen, sliding the door shut, and turned around to see Allen staring at me. “What’d you want to know?” Was all he said, still standing, and I just sat down, looking back at him. “I want to know what it’s like to have that eye of yours.” I said simply, and he sat down next to me, unlike how he would normally sit across from me, it didn’t even matter where we were. That’s just what he normally did. “Fine, I’ll try to explain it so you can understand.” Did he just call me stupid?

Allen’s POV

I didn’t know how to explain what I saw. It was just them. Their soul was just trapped. But how can you even explain that? The only reason I was even sitting so close to Lavi was because I didn’t really want to have people hearing me. But honestly, talking about this was only going to make me more tired than I already was.

“Okay, let’s try then.” I said, huffing lightly. “Basically, when an Akuma comes near me, my eye activates and shows me their soul. But only the soul of the person who actually died, and took over the human body.” I said, pausing and shaking my head as I remembered some of the souls, people really. “It’s like they’re trapped, and can’t do anything but suffer and cry.” I said, though it was true. It was like they were being tortured.

Lavi’s POV

Allen didn’t really seem too happy about talking about this, and honestly, he just looked really tired. But that would make sense too. He got the hell beat out of him yesterday. And I questioned him basically right after that, for a while too.

“I think the only thing good about being able to see them is that I know what actually happens to them. They’re already dead, but when an Exorcist destroys them, they don’t have to suffer anymore.” Well, that’s a little strange. But, it probably would be the best part, but in reality, he doesn’t need to fear that everyone he meets on the street is an Akuma.

"Okay. That’s all I really wanted to know. You can stop now.” I said, smiling at him vs. my usual grin. I ruffled his hair a bit, really only making him close his eyes. I had expected him to move away, but he didn’t.

Allen’s POV

I was actually really tired. When I finished telling Lavi what he wanted, he let me stop, and there was a silence between us before Lavi started talking again, actually, I think he was trying to cheer me up or something along the lines.

I was listening to him absent-mindedly, giving small answers, but never really getting into the conversation. I leaned my head against the wall, still listening to Lavi, but he was tell me some kind of story about before I was in the Order. He was telling me about how Komui made some kind of experiment, and slipped it into the others coffee. “And when Lenalee went back into the lab to see them all acting strangely, she already knew that Komui had caused it. He was actually the only one acting like his normal self and...” I was already laughing. I’d seen what happened when she was angry at her brother. I thought it was funny, because I wasn’t actually there, and I wasn’t the one getting hurt.

Lavi’s POV

Well, at least I was getting some type of reaction out of him. It was a lot better than when we were coming here. I talked for about an hour or two, getting small reactions out of him, some comments, and well, mostly laughs. At least he seemed happier now. After about two hours, he stopped responding, and I looked at him. He’d fallen asleep.

I chuckled quietly, shaking my head. I didn’t have anything else to do, so I just sat there. After a while, Allen’s head fell onto my shoulder, making me laugh quietly. At least Komui was smart enough to put us on a train with beds. And when I went looking, he’s pulled another one of his tricks... We were on this train for two days, and there was only one bed...

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