#2 Fic Rec Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire

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If you try to break me, you will bleed by Dialux (Chapters 6/6; Jon/Sansa)

It had been a slash across her chest from a White Walkers sword that finally ended her life. Sansad landed in a puddle of her own blood, and shed died quickly, quietly.

And then shed awoken with a gasp, trembling, in a bed that had burned under Theons betrayal.

To Go Forward by togo (Chapters 32/?)

Jon Snow wakes up in Winterfell, two years in the past. He struggles with his knowledge of the upcoming wars, the mystery of his mothers forgotten letters, and the prophecy of the Prince That Was Promised. How much time does he have until the Others invade Westeros?

The Dragon Cub by Alperez16 (Chapters 51/?; Jon/Margaery)

Jaime realizes who Jon is after a visit to Winterfell, remembering a promise made to Rhaegar, Jaime and Jon will enter the game of thrones together.

The Last Hope for Westeros by Cmyatt01 (Chapters 39/?; Jon/Dany)

The White Walkers have won. All hope is lost. The gods decided to grant a second chance by sending Jon back in time before all hell breaks loose in season one. Jon decides to go to Pentos to find his true love, Daenerys Targaryen, and save her from her marriage to Khal Drogo, who wanted to rape her. The main plot is Jon reclaiming the Iron Throne with Daenerys and uniting the Seven Kingdoms for the impending return of the Long Night. Yet consequences made from changing times past cause new threats to arise.

Winters End by InferNafee (Chapters 35/?)

Timelines are malleable. The river of time can be influenced to take another route with the correct tools without causing much of a problem if the responsible people know what they are doing. A game of thrones where the value of life is seen as a mere obstacle has given birth to greed, hunger for power and war, loads of wars. And those have lead to outcomes that has brought humanity to their knees, on the verge of extinction. A supernatural force has been called, he has summoned key players to fix their mistakes by seeing what their actions have created. But will that work? Will humanity survive this crisis? Or are they doomed to repeat their mistakes?

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