After spending her day in Mystic Fall Highs library, Alaric found Iris and explained the troll is indeed not a troll. Him and Hope didn't know what it could be, but they had to find a way to kill it.

"If it's not a troll like you said, then what else could it be?"

"I don't know. But it's here. Somewhere." Dr. Saltzman eyeballs the purple troll blood on the floor, which Iris steps over with her heel. "Question is, why?"

The three stop on a stair case outside. "I'm not sure. I mean, the pattern is that I wound it, and then it runs and hides from me." Hope explains. Iris looks over the girl, who had a confused look on her face. "So it must be sticking to the shadows, waiting for it to get dark." Iris purses her lips, thinking about her coven, the coven she couldn't remember.

She remembers bits and pieces. She remembers the small town the coven dwelled in. It was unmarked on a map, somewhere in Tennessee. A population of 172, all witches and part of the coven. In the town square is where they would commit their sacrifices, doing chants and dark spells. She remembers growing up watching the rituals, learning how they were performed in Sunday school. The fellow kids always treated her weird, as the boys were often first borns, while the girls weren't. She was a female first born, which made her a target.

She can't remember her parents. She isn't sure why that is, but it may be for the best. Iris remembers the coven always treating her more harshly than the other kids, expecting her to do everything perfectly the first time, and often she did. And when she didn't, there were consequences.

"Well, when the monsters came last time, they were always after something." Alaric says to Hope. "See if we can figure out what it's looking for."

"Okay." Hope and Alaric walk up the stairs whilst Iris stays back in thought. She thinks about the story she had been told by Dr. Saltzman. About the covens next leader, and the prophecy told by Plato. If it's all true, that could only signify Iris being the next leader of the Sanguis Coven. Something she never necessarily wanted. "Iris?" The blond looks up at Hope. "You coming?"

Iris steps up the stairs quickly. "Yes, of course She smiles warmly.

Hours went by, and Iris couldn't help but feel a little bored. She didn't want to hurt anything, it wasn't apart of her nature, but she also didn't want to sit and wait until action came.

So, instead she sat by her best friends boyfriend, Landon Kirby.

His music blasts as she sits next to him, "Hey, Landon." She chirps, smiling at him.

He looks up in surprise, slowly pulling out his red headphone. "H-hey Iris. What are you doing here?" He asks. Iris leans back on the bench the two are sitting in, a warm breeze causing her hair to flow behind her.

"I was just running some errands. What about you? Shouldn't you be with Josette?" Her voice is in a sing-song tone as she elbows him. He can't help but chuckle at the girls happiness, as if it radiates off of her everywhere she goes.

Landon shrugs, looking up at her. "We had a bad date tonight." He admits. "I don't know what happened, but she didn't like it and stormed off on me."

Iris frowns. "Why don't you go after her?" She asks. Iris had little to no relationship experience, except for her 3 month relationship with Penelope Park, which ended once she told the blond witch she would be leaving. However, she's always given good advice.

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