Chapter 12 - Werewolf??!!

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I walk inside the school wearing a tight purple long sleeve shirt that made my small baby bump clear as daylight, dark jeans that made my butt look bigger, and a pair of sneakers. Today I feel comfortable without the hills or tight pencil skirts.

Students parted in the hallway to make my way every time I came in eye contact with one of them they would look to their feet in submission. It was like I was the queen and they were my servants. Tony was close behind me wearing red skinny jeans, a loose fitting red flannel shirt, the skull chain hanging from his belt was was silver with red emeralds for eyes, his skin had a light tan making his skin glow and his looks sexier, and he had a sexy bed hair that made some of the girls look up and look him over. I could tell that Tony wasn't use to the attention because he quickly look at his feet with a faint blush that made him look innocent.

He was release from the hospital this morning and being the nice person that I am I bring him some fashionable clothes and gave him a backpack full of his school materials. We parted at my room door he left to go to his 1st hour as I got ready for my 1st hour I walk in my classroom and got everything ready for class the bell rung signalling class to begin I put today work on the desks.

The room starts to fill with freshman's after the second bell rung I told everybody write down everything I put on the board. We learn about the basic operations then we completed the worksheets as a class. When I was finish everybody knew about the basic operations

"Now that everybody know the basic operations we can take a test about it on Friday be ready" I dismiss everyone right before the bell rang.

The sophomores came in at the same time the freshman's were walking out they push the freshman's out of the way I kind of felt bad for them but that's high school. They came and took their seats I pass out their work

"Today we are learning how to convert decimal into fractions and jot down the vocabulary words and examples in your Algebra notebook. If you don't have one just put the notes in a folder or something" I told them after a good 20 minutes lecture I gave them a quick 10 minute worksheet. After I let them goof around an such as I graded the previous class papers. So concentrated on my work I didn't hear the bell ring and my next class arriving until a voice was cleared.

I look up to see my 3rd hour class seated and looking my way "Oh..Um.. Good Morning" I said getting out of my seat and walk in front of my desk. "Today we are taking a quiz on the Spanish Alphabet. Take out a pencil and begin when I give you the test." I said then pass out the testes in the middles I felt my ass getting a squeeze I quickly turn and glared at the culprit.

Lucien. He gave me a wink and then smirk at me I rolled my eyes and walk away. Not 5 minutes later Lucien came up to my desk and sat his paper on my desk I raise my eyebrow "It doesn't seem that you need private tutoring when you the first one handing in the quiz" I took the quiz from him and look over at him. My mouth drop from shock I cannot believe it

He got every answer wrong even A how do you get A wrong that's impossible I look to him and shook my head 'Seems as if he really need tutoring'. All the students turn in their papers and surprisingly everyone papers was an A. I let them all talk among each other as I graded the papers that were in front of me. All the seniors left except for Lucien "You were the only one who fail the test Lucien is there a reason why you fail" i ask him crossing my arms.

"You were too busy with the other students that you didn't have the time to help me" He says I felt as if I fail as a teacher if I paid just a little attention to my students individually we wouldn't have this problem.

"I'm sorry you're right it is my fault" tears sprung to my eyes but I didn't

let them come out Lucien bend over and grab my face with his hands. He stared in my eyes for a moment before releasing me then press his soft lips onto mines the kiss is really passionate instead of sexual I felt as if I was flying for a moment.

"I don't ever want to see tears flowing down your beautiful face" he says kissing every tear away. The door slam open I quickly pushing Lucien as far away from me as possible a deep growl escape from his lip. His eyes turn black as night and his nails grew sharper I step back from him when I heard another growl.

"Have I interrupted something Ms.Woods" Jason says, the boy who Lucien fought on Thursday. Lucien let out a dangerous a dangerous growl stepping towards the kid.

"Yes you are now get out mutt" he says with a cold voice that had me shiver with fright.

"Who are you calling mutt dog" Jason spits out taking a step forward towards Lucien.

"Call me that again and I will rip your fucking throat out" Lucien says meeting Jason in the middle of the classroom. Slowly Jason let out a long "Muuuuuuuuttt" with a smile his eyes were black as well, fingernails and teeth were sharp as knives. I could not move a single inch to stop them or make any noise in protest when Lucien grab Jason by his throat and lift him off the ground.

Jason claw Lucien arm with his long nails cutting through his arm blood quickly covered Lucien arm and his grip loosen from Jason throat. Jason landed on the ground perfectly and crouch over as if he was animal Lucien took the same position then attack each other. Blood is flying every where as they fight. somewhere in the middle I jump in the middle of the fight to try and stop the fight ending in me being flying into a wall silence came quickly.

Jason had a look of smugness before Lucien attack him instead of a human body tackling him a wolf body attack. I can't believe my eyes Lucien.Turned. Into. A. Wolf..

Then I fainted!!!!!!!!!


Sorry it took me a long time to upload but my computer kept randomly cutting off on me. Hope you Enjoy!!!

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