Chapter 14 - Results

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David came into the room with his doctor supplies "Lay down on the bed" I did as I was instructed he slowly lift up my shirt. I heard Lucien growl from across the room Nikhita slap him up the head "Let the man do his job boy". David put a stethoscope on my stomach listening he started to push in areas around my stomach. He took the stethoscope off my tummy and lean back into his seat. 

"I'm sorry Leah but I need my other materials to determine if the baby is okay. I can hear a faint heartbeat but its not enough to determine if the baby is going to leave" He says rubbing his eyes "I can make an appointment tomorrow-"

"I need to know right now David" I told him pulling my shirt down

"We have to go to my office then I would drive you but I brang my car with 2 seats and the other seat is broke soo"

"I'll drive her" Nikhita says 

"Alright lets go" Nikhita and David left leaving me and Lucien in the room

"I' m sorry I didn't know that prick would do that to you-"

"It takes two to tangle Lucien I don't if my baby is alive or dead now because of you and these ridiculous feeling I have for you. I admit I am wrong for falling for a student or carrying a relationship with a student but I never knew it would harm my child. Now that I know what major consequences it has. I will have to stop this thing between us before it escapade's to something more than sexual feeling"

Lucien lean into me pushing me into the bed "Its has already escalated you and know that these emotions we have isn't just sexual. I know that you always think about me as I do you. The sparks that I feel when I get round isn't sexual its love. I refuse to give up Leah. Even if I have to chase you down to the end of the earth I will have you"  He gives me a kiss that curl my toes the feelings he gave in this kiss wasn't just lust it was love.

I respond with the same amount of emotions but then push away "Please stop I can't do this" Lucien stood up and walk away. I met Nikhita downstairs I could tell that she holding back a sob instead of asking her whats wrong I look away from her and walk to her car,

Silence fill the car. Tension, fear, and shame was added to the car atmosphere. I sat on the passenger side rubbing the little baby bump silently praying that it was alive. 'I'm so stupid for carrying on this relationship with Lucien. I have endangered my career and my unborn child life' I thought to myself.

"Listen Leah I know what you are thinking. You are thinking that your relationship with my son has endangered everything but its hasn't. My son hasn't smile nor laugh in a very long time. Then this beautiful woman come into his life and change everything. You make him smile and laugh which makes me happy as a mother. I don't want you make a decision right now but I need you  to make a decision soon. I know that your decision whether to stay in my son life or not is complicated but I know that my son will still chase after you" She says

"I never thought you would accept this. Most people or parents would be disgusted with this type of situation  why not you" I said glancing at her

"I'm not mad because it ain't just another teacher who is trying to get into my son pants. It's his soul mate. Somebody who will stay with him forever." She then pull into parking space in front of a doctor office. David instructed me to lay on the bed. He took the ultrasound knob and  rub the gel on  my stomach.

"There goes the baby head" He points to the little head in the corner of my stomach I could hardly see it "There is a lot of blood flow happening that could be easily be change with water"

I smile 'Thank you God' my baby is all right that's all I wish for

"Hold on you see that" he pointed to a area with a lot of white stuff around it "There is too much plasma around the baby."

"What does that mean" I choke

"Too much plasma can cause a baby to be mentally disable or Osteogenesis Imperfecta" I cover my mouth with my hand and silently cried.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2013 ⏰

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