Chapter 5 - Rainy Day

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I woke up at 5:30am on Wednesday with a smile on my face and ate a bowl of reese's puffs. The news reporter said to expect heavy rain in the afternoon and to watch out for a guy name Lance Pildrum who escaped from prison two towns over turning the volume on low I took a shower and proceeded with my morning procedure. After lotion my body I put on red lacy underwear and looked for clothes to wear today. Frustrated I threw everything out of my closet and found a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a red button down t-shirt, and red sneakers.

I grab my bag and put a jar of pickles and mustard inside if I get hungry between classes locking the door I unlocked my car and start it up. I stop at the red light and look over to find Lucien driving his motorcycle lowering my window I shouted " Hey" Lucien turn towards me and rung up his shield tint "Hey Leah " his deep rough voice answered my name sounded so sexy with his voice.

" Can I ride sometime," I ask excitedly

"You know how to ride" Lucien said surprised I guess he didn't expect a little thing like me could know how to ride   "Hell yeah you're talking to a pro" I announced proud. " Well how about after dinner with the rents' we can go to the park and prove to me that you a pro" Lucien said with a grin on his face and amusement in his eyes. I nodded agreeing to his invitation then we drove together to school I walked inside with my chin up and back straighten stepping into my classroom I sat down 'crap I forgot my water bottle at home' I thought.

I look at my time 15 minutes before class starts enough time to get water from the vending machine pushing 5B on the vending waiting patiently as the spring starts to rewind it stop. I kicked, punch, and rock the machine no luck tears started to fall from my eyes Why ain't the machine working?! It doesn't like me! Well I hate you!!! I slid down the machine sobbing my heart out.

"Leah whats wrong" a feminine voice ask I look up to find Dawn, Michelle, and Christine

" Th-Th- The machine don't like me i-i-it stole my dollar" I  cried out  " What did I do to it for it not to like me" I cried louder

" Nothing Ms. Woods the machine is jammed see look" Michelle took out her purse and stuck another dollar into the machine. Yahoo my water came out, it must like Michelle more. I smile at the thought of a machine having a crush Michelle I don't think Michelle would like to have machine sex. I busted out laughing " Ummmm Ms. Woods are you okay" Christine ask

" I'm okay I just think the machine has a crush on Michelle" I said happily " And that's it didn't work with me cause it was waiting for Michelle. Duuuuuuhhhhhh" I said taking my water bottle then skipped away. I slumped in my chair waiting for class to start 2 minutes later the bell rung the room starts to fill with students I smiled widely teeth showing, nose pinch, and eyes wide I probably look like a serial killer but I'm really happy I wave like a mad women to the students the last bell rung when the student came in.

" Hi class today we are doinnnnnggggg........." I paused

" What," Ni-ya shouted

" WORK YYAAAAAHHHHHH" I squealed jumping up and down " We are watching a show about our............"

" Yes Ms. Woods" Marcus ask tiredly

" Numbers duuuuhhhhhh" I said walking to the storage closet on the  side of my room and took out the t.v the staff gave me. Popping in the C.D. I cut off the lights and went to my desk and played angry birds on my phone Pow!Pow!Pow!Po-   "Uh Ms.Woods"

" Yes Gregory" I said slightly angry that he interrupted my game

" Is we really going to watch this"

"Yes whats wrong with it. It said 1 and older" I ask

" Yeah but-"

Sean interrupted " Watching a gay purple dinosaur bouncing around singing about numbers isn't really teaching us nothing"

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