Sanjay barged inside the room and looked at us.

"I have a surgery now and it may last for 4 to 5 hours so I can't able to check you in the afternoon. So I asked the nurse to give you an injection afternoon." he said in a flow.

"No, I want to go home. I don't want any shots" she immediately yelled.

"I did't gave you any choice here. So you have to bear it. Be a good girl and take all the medicines so that I can discharge you in three to four days" he said.

"Dad, please. Atleast you give me. I don't want any nurse to give me shots" she whined. He sighed.

"I don't know when are you going to change. It's final so take care" he said looking at me. I nodded.

"No, atleast ask Amit uncle to give me. Please dad" she pleaded more this time.

"Fine, I will talk to him but I can't assure you that he will be free" he said and left the room.

After an hour, I went out and bought her lunch. We both ate it while talking about few things just to distract her mind from this hospital thing.

Amit entered all smiling with her. She too jumped with happiness in her mind. They both behave as friends from her childhood.

"Hi Abi, how are you?" he asked while sitting beside her.

"Fine uncle, when will you discharge me? I hate being here" she said. He laughed at her.

"Your dad needs to decide that. Maybe in three to four days. By the way, why are you hating here?" he asked.

"Why three to four days? Dad is acting like a strict doctor here and I don't like that." she whined. We both laughed.

"She is lying. She don't want any injection that's why she hates here" I said making him smile. "Both" she said immediately.

The talks went for few more minutes. He too have a surgery so he quickly prepared a needle making her shiver immediately. He looked at her.

"No need to shiver Abi. I will do it slowly without hurting you. Now, where you want me to give this?" he asked. She looked at him shocked.

"Do I have a choice here?" she asked curiously because Sanjay won't ask her anything like this. He nodded his head smiling. She showed her hand immediately.

He wiped and slowly stabbed making her flinch. She hugged me tightly till he pull out the needle. Somehow she managed it. He smiled at us and went out.

In the evening, her college friends came to meet her. They talked for few hours and totally distracted her. She walked normally and they all sat in a couch with her. I asked them to leave since it was already been a night.

Few hours later, Sanjay again barged in with his full tired body and sat in a couch. Abi just held a normal face and we both watched Tv. A nurse entered inside after few minutes. He stood and came towards us.

"Did she ate anything?" he asked me and I nodded my head.

He took his stethoscope and checked her heart beat. Abi already became pale because of his presence. They both always looks like lovey dovey.

He went to the cabinet and prepared a needle making her almost jump from the bed. I too stood up and she held me tightly from back because of fear.

"Mom, please take me home" she started crying.

"Sanjay, atleast leave her now. Why are you giving her so many shots?" I asked him. He completely turned towards me after preparing the needle.

"Don't support her now. She is still not cured completely. Surgery is not a simple thing and moreover I am her dad and I know what I am doing" he said sternly.

"You always support her in everything eventhough I protest. Now, you are not supporting her so it's my turn to support her." I said strongly which earned a glare from him.

She was still crying hugging me from my back.

"Aishu, she need this" he said stressing each word.

"Mom, call Amit uncle" she whispered slowly.

"Amit went home early but you can call and ask him if you don't believe me" he said making me regret talking against him. He know everything and he always do his best so I need to trust him over this.

"Abi, just one more. I will ask him to do it slowly. Don't cry" I said just turning my head towards her. She immediately backed off from the hug and started walking backwards till she reached the wall.

She covered her face with her both hands and started crying heavily. I went towards her and touched her shoulder. She immediately pushed my hand from her making me flinch.

I looked at him innocently. He sighed and came little forward after keeping that needle in a nearby table.

"Abi, come here" he said. She looked at him and shook her head crying.

"See, I don't have anything in my hand. Come" he said more politely.
She looked at him blankly.

She ran towards him and hugged him. She was already been a crying mess.

"Why are you crying Abi? Calm down" he said patting her shoulder. She just sobbed hardly.

"It's just a simple needle and you are scared of that already. Don't worry" he said.

Meanwhile, he signalled the nurse to come with a needle without her notice. I just looked at him shocked. Her face was completely covered in his chest so she didn't know anything.

"I.. don't.. want that dad" she stammered without raising her head. The nurse came towards her with a wipe and a needle. I went nearer to them.

He just pulled her pants down in a shift motion without making her realize soon. The nurse too was so quick. She quickly wiped and stabbed her making her scream her lungs out.

She was almost thrashing her legs and moving from his hold. He just held her waist tightly.

"Don't move Abi. You are gonna hurt yourself" he said while controlling her. The nurse did it and arranged her dress back again.

She patted her shoulder trying to console her but I thought she gonna faint from all her screamings.

"That's it, calm down Abi" he said but she sobbed hardly. I touched her hands. She immediately left him and hugged me crying.

I wiped her tears and made her sit in the bed. I too sat beside her and she layed her head on my lap still crying. I squeezed her head to make her calm. After few minutes of her continuous sobbing, she slept in my lap.

I layed back her head on the bed and looked at him. The nurse connected an iv in her hand making her swift lightly in her sleep.

Sanjay went to the couch and slept there. I don't even know whether he ate his dinner or not. I too layed beside Abi and slept hugging her.

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