Currently, all of the older staff retired to open their own patisseries, or to work at restaurants where their desserts could bring some first class to restaurants' menu. That meant that Bakugou and Midoriya are now their boss's oldest employees, or well, they are his current employees which have stayed the longest. The newer staff were bright, and brought a lot of happiness to their surroundings, but they weren't as experienced with the business as Bakugou and Midoriya were. Surprisingly, all of them were the same age, but they just hadn't gone into their careers immediately like how Bakugou and Midoriya have. They all had their specialties, and the patisserie was really becoming unique with its varied personalities on the menu.

   No one would really want it any other way, and they all shared that unspoken opinion, which in the end brought them all together much more.

   "Bakugou! You are stayed late today, huh?" grinned Uraraka, as she sat down on one of the stools in the kitchen. She stared at his concentrated face, and chuckled lightly to herself.

   "I have the closing shift," he muttered. "What the fuck are you laughing at?" he growled, glaring at her.


   "Kacchan!" exclaimed Midoriya. "How are you going on with the order? We just got contacted that they will be picking the order up tomorrow morning," he said.

   "Urgh," sighed Bakugou, finishing putting the icing on the profiteroles he was preparing. "When?"

   "Hum... They said they would pick it up at nine tomorrow morning," said Midoriya, going to one of their refrigerators, where he found one of the tiny desserts he had been working on. Thankfully, they were cooling off nicely.

   "At nine?!" exclaimed Bakugou. "Are they fucking stupid?! Their celebration thing is only going to start after noon," he sighed, loudly. putting away all of the profiteroles iced with chocolate. "They better not fucking come back to us when it falls apart when they're carrying it," he growled.

"It's just a croquembouche," said Uraraka. "I'm sure it doesn't fall as easily as a wedding cake could," she shrugged. "But if they are bad drivers, then yeah, maybe it would fall," she chuckled.

   "This is a fucking pain," sighed Bakugou, closing the refrigerator. "Deku, you finish it off tomorrow. I'll check on your raspberry tarts for you," he said.

   "They aren't just raspberry tarts! Let me remind you that they are also going to have a cream filling under the raspberries as my typical lime flavouring," pouted Midoriya.

   "Yeah, yeah," shrugged Bakugou, stretching, and taking off his uniform, putting on his coat over his tank top. "Anyway, it'll check on them," he said.

   "Thanks," he sighed. "By the way, Uraraka, you planned on having more mochi on the menu, right?" he asked.

   "Yep! I'm planning on making more, but I do really want to perfect making Bakugou's items on the menu. You, our boss, and Bakugou are the only ones who can do it. Iida was almost close, but he could replicate the perfect choux he made," she sighed.

   "Me and All Might can't really replicate it perfectly," he smiled, lightly. "Kacchan is still the only one who makes it perfect, which is really no surprise at this point," he shrugged. "Kacchan aims to be the best at everything, so he does it. I'm glad that he can't replicate the pastry for my sfogliatella inventions. He had his forte, and we have our own," he grinned.

   "That's true!" she laughed.

   "Shut the fuck up, both of you," growled Bakugou, twirling the shop's keys on his index. "Now, hurry the fuck up, I need to lock the place up," he said.

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