Journey begins

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Narrator: Mid-day at Phoenix college everything is the same and Xavier's in his Math class.

Xavier's POV: I'm exhausted, why'd I even stay at that party so late that's not even my forté. Evan's more of a party frea-... I thought back to last night as the people screamed "chug chug chug!" and seeing Evan struggle to keep himself balanced afterwards, I couldn't help but to chuckle.

"Is there something funny about finding the X in this problem Xavier?". "I prefer to leave my X's in the past Ms. G" I whispered under my breathe.

My classmate next to me laughed and the teacher addressed him"What's funny Austin, don't follow Xavier's image, well maybe you should then you'll actually pass". The class bursted in laughter and Austin looked at me although it was my fault. I shrugged and tried to contain my laughter.

"Alright that's enough now back to what I was saying." Ms. G continued.
Sighhh, someone save me, I thought to myself. "Bzz", I looked down to see I got a message, it was Skyler and it read "Look up dum dum".

I looked at the door and saw Skyler making faces then calling me out. She's gorgeous, with her long black hair, light brown eyes, and clear brown skin. "Umm Ms. G I gotta leave class early, emergency" I said to her then grabbed my bag and left.

Skyler's  POV: "Evan I'm telling you he's gonna be there, at least he made it to school I had to struggle to find you and you were still passed out in your dorm" I said while walking up the flight of stairs.

"What can I say, skies the limit" Evan said confidently with a smirk on his face. "The sky or 3 cups of rum and 5 cups of beer" I said looking at him with disbelief. He laughed saying "I meant what I said".

We reached Xaviers class and I sent him a message and waited at the glass to show it's me. He came out and he was dressed casual as usual, but he was cute not regular. He's tall with short neat black hair, dark brown eyes, and he's fit.

I finally told them we should go get some food then go to my spot where I do graffiti. I'm an artist dont judge me, life's my canvas. They agreed and we went for pizza in my car then drove to this new spot I found yesterday.

Xavier's  POV: "So just so I get this straight..JUST to be want us to sneak, INTO A POWERPLANT?!?" I said with complete shock.

"Shhhhhh, relax I've been in there already." Sky said like it was easy while putting her hand on my mouth.

"Of all the ways you can make me stop talking, this is not how I wanted it to go" I thought to myself while looking at her soft lips. "When you said you (found a spot) I didn't think you meant you snuck onto one, I mean how'd you even get time to do that" I said puzzled.

"Come on be more like Evan, look at him" she said throwing her hand up pointing at him. I looked over and he was by the gate already, stretching as though he's going to battle.

"Evan's like an overpayed hooker, he's down for anything!" I argued. "Well I guess it's just me and Evan" sky replied almost with a petty tone but I took the bait. "Pssh as if, one of us has to be the level headed one" I said trying to sound confident. She giggled then led us to the hole in the gate after it got a lil darker. "There's that bright smile again" I thought to myself following her and Evan.

Evan's  POV: Sneaking into a powerplant with a box of pizza and my 2 bestfriends, can't wait for class tomorrow so I can say how my summer break went.

Skyler lead us to the hole in the fence and Xav held it open for her. "Uh uh uhh y'all know the rule, pizza's go first" I said while rushing in front of skyler. Xav rolled his eyes and held his head and Sky tried not to laugh while she shook her hers.

Someone's gotta break the ice everytime Xav wants to lowkey crush on Sky, and that's me the ice breaking/ wingman.

After crossing the field we went into a hallway and down a couple flights of stairs then into some passageway underground. This was easier than I thought. "Why is it like she's done this a million times befo-" I whispered then stopped as I saw graffiti drawings across the wall. "Classic Sky.." Xavier and I said in sync as she giggled.

Skyler's  POV: "Alright so you too stand watch for anybody and watch the master do her work" I said quite confident in my skills.

I've been an artist for as long as I can remember, drawing and painting when I was young, then doing graffiti when I was a teen, which is how I ran into Xavier and Evan.

It was one of my first runs doing graffiti and I stumbled onto a group rapping and one of the guys was amazing, I barely hear music like that and it had me captivated. I saw him look at me and smiled and I got flustered and continued doing what I loved.

After a while I heard a siren and I saw the cops were coming to arrest me for vandalizing private property, apparently the owner didn't take a liking to my art.

I ran as fast as I could then all I felt was a hand pull me in a room after a corner and it was the same guy from earlier. "What are you doing?!" I tried to say but I felt his hand cover my mouth.

We heard the police speed past the room and around the corner. "See they're gone, we're good" he whispered looking out the window.

He had such soft eyes, but they were strong at the same time. "It's Xavier by the way, and the quiet one over there in the corner is Evan" he said pointing his thumb behind him. "He's only quiet cause he's tired right now, trust me he's not like this. Aren't you boy?" He said as though talking to a puppy.

"Shut it cupid, besides isn't your hand still over her mouth" he said as a smart remark. Xavier quickly let go and stepped back and apologized. I laughed and he smiled at me. That gentle smile..ever since that day we were good friends and was always by each others si-..."Where's Xavier Evan...." I said worried and scared.

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