Chapter 14 Rosanne

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They continued to watch movies until early the next morning when Luna said she was hungry. Ultron researched a recipe for French toast and started making it in the kitchen, wanting to ensure Luna had a decent breakfast. It was only several minutes later before she emerged from her bedroom. 

"mmm, smells good,"

Ultron focused his optics. "Are you hungry?" 

"yeah," Luna nods, "did you get coffee started?"

"Not yet," he answered, "want me to start it for you?"

"Nah, I'll do it myself," she shrugged, going towards the kitchen sink and the coffee pitcher with water before pouring the water into the water bin of the coffee maker. She pulled out a bin of coffee and scooped some ground coffee into the coffee bin after placing a paper filter into it. Once she finished, she activated the coffee maker. She sat down at the table.

After a few minutes, Ultron finished a couple pieces of French toast.  "Luna, are you going to get your piece?" 

She stood from the table and grabbed a plate before Ultron placed a couple pieces of French toast onto her plate. She sprinkled the toast with powdered sugar and started eating. 

Ultron continued to cook some more French toast when soon, the coffee maker finished brewing coffee. At the same time Solstice emerged, still in her PJ'S, from the hallway. Grogginess in her eyes.

 "Morning" greeted Ultron.

 "Morning" yawned Solstice. She then stopped and observe the scene. "Are you forcing Ultron to cooking breakfast for you?"

"No, I just felt like taking care of her basic needs," Chuckles Ultron, "would you like some?"

"French toast?" solstace smiles,"sure, I'll go for a couple pieces."

 Once Luna finished eating her French toast, she went over to the coffee maker and poured some into her mug. After that, she stepped away from the coffee maker, allowing her sister to pour herself some coffee while she started drinking her own. After Ultron finished cooking the second piece, Solstice served herself some French toast and sat down at the table before eating her breakfast. Luna finished her coffee and power walked into her room where she changed clothes and brushed her hair. Once she put her shoes and socks on, she stepped into the bathroom and brushed her teeth. After that, she grabbed her handbag from her bedroom and headed towards the front door. At that time, Ultron finished cooking several pieces of French toast and he was just storing them.

"Aren't you going to wait for your sister?" 

"I'll catch up with you guys after I get dressed," waved Solstice. 

Luna led Ultron out of the apartment, heading down the stairs to the entrance of the building. Outside, they could see a young woman with shoulder length, chestnut brown hair waiting for a taxi with luggage standing next to them. 

"Wait a minute," paused Luna, looking at the woman more closely. "is that.. Rosanne?"

"You know her?" asked Ultron. 

The mutant focused her eyes on him and nodded."Rosanne is Solstice's secret friend from middle school,". She paused in her speech for a few moments then looked annoyed. " It's stupid. Rosanne actually wanted to be friends with my sister, but her dad wouldn't let her since he thinks that mutants are servants of Satan."

"Does that mean you like to sacrifice infants in your spare time?"

 She gave him a look. " Haha, very funny " the mutant mocks with a dull tone. The bot burst into laughter. 

Solstice came down the stairs, she paused on the last step when she saw her sister and Ultron. He was laughing at what she guessed at something her sister said, then something caught her completely off guard. Luna smiled and punched the robot in the arm playfully. Solstice had never seen such playfulness from her younger sibling before. She couldn't help but smile. Perhaps having Ultron around was a good thing? After some time observing the two, she made her way over. 

Rasanne overheard the conversation and turned her head to see Solstice."Sol? what are you doing here?!"

"Rosanne!, " greeted Solstine brightly, embracing the girl before she turned. "you remember my sister don't you? "

Rosanne waves before shifting her gaze on the bot besides her.

" This is Ultron, my sister's friend. They were about to go somewhere,"she explained, then looks over and saw a large number of suitcases "Going on vacation?" 

Rosanne didn't say anything but she wrapped her arms around herself, her hands trembling." I'm moving across the country."

Solstice was slightly taken aback. "Oh, wow. Is your boyfriend waiting for you at the airport?"

 Rosanne shook her head, tears in her eyes.

"Ok," interrupted Ultron, "I'm confused." Luna turned. "Rosanne's boyfriend's name is Nelson Todd, one of my sister's coworkers," 

"I mean did you find any information on where they're going?"

Luna shrugged, "I think they're moving somewhere," 

As Ultron carefully approached Rosanne she was startled looking to her friend, who gave her a reassuring smile, then relaxed as he approached.

 "May I ask why you are moving across the country?"

 The girl fidgeted nervously."I can't stand being with my boyfriend anymore," stammered Rosanne, " We got into an argument last night...he hits me" 

Solstice placed her hand over her mouth.

"Did you alert the proper authorities?" questioned Ultron. She nodded . "I want to be happy," continued Rosanne, "I really hope God doesn't send me to hell for leaving him." Just then, a taxi arrived. Rosanne didn't say anything further and scampered off to help the driver load the luggage into the trunk. After that, she entered the taxi, which soon drove off.

 "This feels wrong," Ultron muttered to himself. "What does?" asked Luna."Did you notice Rosanne's body language?" asked Ultron. She shrugs "Not really"

" yes"  Sol adds, "She looked frightened, as if someone was out to kill her." she then placed her finger to her chin in thought, "Come to think of it," mused Solstice, "I heard Rosanne saying something about her leaving Nelson a couple months ago."

"Do you know anything unusual about her boyfriend?" Ultron questions Luna."Nelson?"she let out annoyed breath "I know he's a religious, conservative fucking psycho."

"Like the staff members of the crisis pregnancy centers?" replied Ultron. " Yeah, something like that," nodded Luna. "We'll look into that matter later," Ultron said softly. The two took off into the sky and began soaring over the city in search of the Avengers Tower. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2020 ⏰

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