Chapter 4: Mad Titan

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Pietro and Wanda Maximoff found themselves suddenly in Asgard  They stood at the Bifrost Bridge with Heimdall standing in front of them.

"The King of Asgard is expecting you," said Heimdall.

Wanda and Pietro didn't say anything, and followed him across the rainbow bridge and boarded a flying boat that was waiting for them. The boat hovered and flew towards the palace of Asgard. Once it arrived, the twins disembarked and entered the palace gates. A few guards escorted them to the throne room, where they could see a black-haired man clad in green, black and gold. He sitting on a golden throne.

"You must be Pietro and Wanda Maximoff," he said, "are you not?"

The twins exchange strange looks between one another.

" Perhaps I should introduce myself," mused the stranger, The black-haired man stood from the throne and descended the stairs before approaching Wanda and Pietro.

"I am Loki of Asgard," he continued.

"Are you the king ?" asked Pietro.

"The king of Asgard is in Odinsleep," answered Loki, "I'm merely holding the fort for him." he then smiles. " my friend has told me you let Stark take the scepter. why is that? "

"I saw Stark's fear," replied Wanda, "I knew it would control him, make him self destruct."

"Oh, dear Tony Stark," agreed Loki, "he is a fool."

"But why would you need the scepter?" asked Pietro.

"So Thanos wouldn't get his hands on it," explained Loki, "if he does, he would unleash the far worse suffering than I have endured under his hands."

Wanda and Pietro glanced at each other in confusion before returning their gaze at Loki.

"You don't believe me?" the god of mischief frowns.

"I could just look inside your head," shrugged Wanda, She conjured up some scarlet energy that enveloped Loki's head as she probed the trickster god's mind.

Loki landed hard in the Chitauri command center after he lost his grip on Odin, he took some time to recover from the fall as he groaned in pain while thinking over the discovery about himself. He never thought he would actually be a Frost Giant, a creature that he was taught to hate. He was so angry at Odin for lying to him about his identity there was no way he would ever forgive him. He was certain that he hated himself now, but he snapped out of his thoughts when he discovered that he was surrounded by Chitauri soldiers. He was about to fight back, but then the Other showed up.

"What brings you here, strange creature?" demanded the Other.

"I fell," answered Loki.

"Did you?" mused the Other, "then Thanos would want to put you to good use."

Loki wasn't able to resist as they dragged him to the throne room, where Thanos was waiting.

"What can we do for you?" asked Thanos.

"Who are you?!" demanded Loki.

"Just a man. A man from a long forgoten planet. I've been called many names throughout countless universes. But you my friend may address me as Thanos " answered Thanos.

"I am Loki, of Asgard"

" why are you here? "

Loki's expression, once holding curiosity now twisted into a distasteful loathsome scowl. " I was betrayed. betrayed by those who I once called family "

Thanos leaned foward.  "I am sorry to hear of your situation, I as well know what it's like to be wronged. I can help you," he assured, "but first, you must help me."

"What do you want from me, then?" asked Loki.

"Help me find the Tesseract,"

"What do you plan to do with it?" objected Loki.

The purple titan smirks. " Before creation itself, there were six singularities. Then the universe exploded into existence, and the remnants of these systems were forged into concentrated ingots... Infinity Stones. "

" Interesting. whats in it for me? "

"I can let you be king," offered Thanos.

Loki shook his head in disbelief. He found the idea of ruling the universe overwhelming, and he had a sneaky suspicion that Thanos was trying to trick him. After all, he was an expert at lies and trickery himself.

"I can offer you more than your father ever could," insisted Thanos.

"You think you can offer anything to a monster like me?" protested Loki.m, he shifted his appearance to his Frost Giant form.

"Power," said Thanos, "money, life."

Loki took a step back and glared at Thanos, feeling intimidated. He knew he wanted to rule Asgard, but this warlord didn't seem to be the type of person to go to for assistance.

"What's wrong?" asked Thanos.

"Sorry, but Im not entirely convinced ," answered Loki.

"I see," replied Thanos, "I have a way to convince you."

Thanos flicked his hand, and upon cue, two Chitauri soldiers grabbed Loki by his arms and dragged him out of the throne room. They reached the bottom of the stairs, where the Other was waiting.

"Follow me," instructed the Other, "we will begin our session in a special room."

"Session?!" pestered Loki, trying to get answers out of the Other. The next thing he knew, he found himself in a cell chained to a wall. After what felt like forever, the Other entered the cell with a branding iron in his hand.

"I have a small task for you to perform," said the Other. After placing the scorching end of the branding iron on Loki's chest, which caused him to shout in pain, the Other sent Loki to Midgard, where he advised Selvig to research the Tesseract, although he was under the influence.

During Loki's time in captivity, the Other would occasionally electrocute him with the electric prod or burn him with the branding iron. There was an occasion when the Other brought in other Chitauri soldiers into the cell and they kicked him around the cell like a rag doll. 

During those times, he wished he had the strength to fight back, refusing to accept defeat. When Thanos called the Other to bring Loki to the throne room, he was already covered in bruises and burns as the alien overlord approached him and placed the tip of the scepter on his chest. 

The God of Mischief felt a strange surge of energy take over his mind and he couldn't defy Thanos anymore. The overlord was pleased, so he motioned the Other to prepare Loki for battle.

Wanda shouted in pain as she withdrew from Loki's mind, catching Pietro's attention.

"Wanda!" exclaimed Pietro.

"He…has a point," gasped Wanda, "we can't…We can't let Thanos get his hands…on the scepter

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