Chapter 5: Finding Ultron

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Early in the morning, Luna was eating some Eggo waffles at the kitchen table alone. She had hoped that Ultron would be meeting up with her this morning while her sister was with the Avengers. In some way this new feeling was somewhat overwhelming. Her mind and body tingled with anticipation and eagerness to see him again. Never has she had anyone to talk to besides Solstice for over twenty years. It was frightening to think she could get personally attached to anyone, especially Ultron. She pushed those feelings aside and buried it. She had a job to do, save humanity from extinction.  She received a text from him that he would be stopping by to visit.  It was too early for her to be up and decided to make some coffee. Once she finished her early breakfast, she grabbed her phone and went to the sliding door, opening it and slipping out onto the balcony before closing the door behind. After She waited for a few minutes, she saw Ultron descending from the sky and landing quietly in front of her. "Goodmorning, Luna,". He purred. "are you doing well?"

She rolled her eyes. "Last night Sol gave me shit when I got back. I lied and told her that I was out jogging with a friend,". She came closer. "so I was interested in seeing what your base of operations was like."

"This early in the morning? What if she comes back and notices that you went missing?"

"I sent her a text that I would be going scouting for apartments in case I wanted to move out and live on my own," she stated casually. "How old are you?" asked Ultron. "I'll be turning twenty-two next month," she replied. " Sol is five years older than me".

"All right, then," agreed Ultron, "I guess we'll be going on a little trip." As Luna started to climb up the railing he placed a cold hand on her shoulder. “ It would be easier to carry you there". She gave him a look then climbed down. “I don't like being held “.

“It won't be long “ he reassured. She lifts a brow at this. Rolling his optics he folds his arms over a metal chest. " You can trust me ".

“fine” she whined, holding out her arms. He lifted her with ease. Allowing her to get comfortable.  She wrapped her arms around the back of his neck. " Tell anybody I let you do this, I will personally-AH!" He took off flying over the city and hovering over the country. Luna held on for dear life. Seeing the look on her face, he couldn't help but smile. " you're enjoying this. Aren't you? ". The woman scoffed. Ultron laughed.

After what felt like a whole day, they landed on a large platform in the middle of Lake Tahoe.

“Wait, what are we doing here? “ asks Luna, she then looks ahead to see a large metal structure. " That's your base?". He lowered her to the ground. "The moment I saw Lake Tahoe," said Ultron, "I instructed my drones to set up a base here. I'm afraid we don't have any working bathrooms here, though. Would you like me to give you a tour?"

"sure," Luna nods as he lead her towards the base. “ you know, you could have just told me where we were going, “

“ I could have yes. But that would have ruined the fun "

Inside She could see hundreds, if not thousands, of robotic drones wandering through the base and carrying out their tasks as they renovated the base. The tall mech escorted her around the base, showing her as many rooms as he could before stopping in the conference room. He approached a computer terminal and opened up a browser, scrolling through pictures of cities covered with plants. "huh, I see you've been collecting pictures of eco city designs"

"I suppose creating eco cities is the first step to improving your planet's environment," nodded Ultron. "I'm also impressed with the humans' efforts to establish nature reserves."

"You mean the national parks?"  He nodded. "And yet," he lets out a disappointing sigh. "there are still humans that oppose this environmentalist movement."

"Well there are bound to be some inferior beings in a world harboring intelligent life". she agreed. "are you going to start by renovating one of the most polluted cities?"

"And maybe create another being to scope for any outside threats," added the A.I.. He tapped on another file on the screen which brought up information on Helen Cho's cradle. "I've heard about this technology before," Luna commented. "Then I suppose you've heard of a certain vibranium dealer," hinted Ultron.

“Vibranium is rare. How did someone just find it " she remarks.

"Someone found a vein of vibranium and is mining it as we speak," he answered

Meanwhile, the Avengers were searching through boxes of paper files while Tony surveyed the Internet."Any new intel?" asked Steve."Ultron hasn't accessed any weapons yet," replied Solstice, "but there have been reports of metal men visiting nature reserves and sabotaging oil wells."

"Have there been any oil spills?" asked Clint. "No," She answered. "but Exxon has been complaining about Ultron ruining their industry.". Steve approached the computer and examined the news article on the news website."I guess something caused Ultron to oppose fossil fuel," he shrugged. Tony scrolled to another news article, which stated something about metal men vandalizing crisis pregnancy centers across the US. "Ultron's in favor of abortions, too, not that I'm interested in the subject."

"So he's a feminist and an environmentalist now?" paused Bruce, "that's unexpected."

"Someone must've influenced him," assumed Thor. 

"Bernie Sanders maybe?" joked Clint. 

Tony scrolled through the news website, hoping to clarify Clint's point. "No," disagreed the playboy, "I don't think Bernie even met Ultron" He then spotted a paper file in Bruce's hand and recognized the person in the picture. "I know that guy!" he exclaimed pointing at Bruce's paper file before snatching it out of his hand. "Did you just change the subject?" 

"Back in the days of early stark industries," explained Tony, "Ulysses Klaue operates off the African coast. I may have worked with him, but I never sold him anything.". Bruce examined the tattoo on Ulysses's neck in the photo. "Is that a tattoo?" 

" I don't think he had one," shrugged Tony.  Solstice approached Tony and Bruce before examining the photo."That's not a tattoo, It's a brand." She snatched the file from Tony's hand and accessed the computer, searching the Internet for anything useful. "It's a word in African dialect meaning 'thief'. and not in a subtle way either. "

"What dialect?" asked Clint.


"I thought Wakanda closed its borders after the deal with Howard," objected Tony.  "What comes out of Wakanda anyway?" paused Thor. Tony looked at Steve's shield that was resting against a table. "The strongest metal on Earth,"

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