Chapter 10-Sucker

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"This dress is huge" I complained as Sophie and Danielle smiled.
"And the boys just get suits" Sophie said as i nodded.
"Typical" Danielle said as we laughed.
We got out the trailer, with great difficulty, and greeted Kevin.
"Those dresses are bigger than our house" Kevin said, hugging his wife.

We moved into the castle, seeing Joe getting his hair blow dried.
"You're higher maintenance than any woman" I told him as Danielle left with Kevin.
"Just jealous" He sassed as Nick joined us.
"You two look gorgeous" Nick said, wrapping his arm around my waist, where ever that was under this dress.
"Omg look at all the rabbits" Soph said, picking one up as i stroked its head.
"Why is there so many rabbits?" I asked as a few sniffed around my legs.
"For the music video. Come on, i thought you were smarter than that" Joe said as i glared.
"Alright smartass" I hissed.

Time Skip
I laughed at Joe, this was just amazing.
"Ok not my idea" Joe complained, hanging sideways as he was lifted.
We were all laughing as Joe huffed.
"You married that Soph" I told her as she nodded with a laugh.
After shooting the scenes, we left Joe hanging, literally. Only for a few minutes though.
"You're all dicks" He said, once he was released.

Now we moved onto the last scenes, i had to walk through a hallway as Danielle and Kevin were in another hallway doing more or less the same thing. We had to be quick, we only had a bit left. After filming the scene, i met Nick at the end of the hallway as he gave me a kiss.
"You look beautiful baby" He whispered in my ear as i giggled.
"Not too bad yourself" I replied as he dipped me slightly and kissed me as i laughed.
Some people might call this the 'honeymoon phase' but i loved Nick, truly. I'd go through anything to be with this man though. I thought of something Kevin said to me last night.

"Are you sure you want to be in this video?" Kevin asked as he pulled me aside to the kitchen.
"Yeah. Why wouldn't i be?" I asked.
"It's nothing personal. I love you like the sister i never had but Nick has his...bad traits? Yeah. I just don't want this to seem perfect and something go wrong" He explained as i nodded.
I saw where he was coming from, it seemed like we were jumping the gun a little but neither of us cared.
"If anything went wrong Kev, i'd want to work through it. I really do love him. I've never felt like this with anyone. God i sound cheesy, don't i? " I laughed as he joined.
"I married at 22, i can't exactly lecture about romance. I suppose when you know you know" he said as i nodded.
End of flashback

We were lining up for the final shots, just us six posing together. Today had been a bit wild between baths, Joe being hung on his side in his underwear, all the dogs and rabbits and dinner parties. It's been pretty wild. I was ready to sleep if i'm being honest. I was stood between Nick and Joe, Sophie between Joe and Kevin whilst sitting down and Danielle on the stairs next to Kevin. We all had hair artists buzzing around his until the director wanted to start. I rested one of my arms on Nick's shoulder and the other against his chest. It was only a couple of seconds of standing in that pose looking forward until we were done.
"Woo!" Joe yelled in excitement.
We laughed at his excitement as he helped Sophie up and kissed her. The three brothers were really excited to be back and doing this with each other so it was understandable that they were excited.

Time Skip
"So 1st of March?" Danielle asked, looking over Kevin's shoulder to his phone.
"Mmhmm" Kevin replied.
We were all at Joe and Sophie's house since it was closest to where the castle was. It was night by the time we got out of our clothes from set. Empty chinese boxes littered the table as we ordered takeout.
"Aren't you filming a video for your single soon Liz?" Joe asked.
"Yeah in a few weeks" I replied halfheartedly.
I glanced at Nick, he was texting his mom from next to me. It made me smile, he always valued his family.
"Liz, Dani come here a sec!" Sophie yelled from upstairs.

Joe gave us confused looks but we shrugged and went upstairs. In Sophie and Joe's room was an array of clothes and shoes on the floor.
"It looks like a bomb went off in here, what happened?" I asked.
"I'm trying to look for something to wear for tomorrow because me and Joe are going out" She said quickly, sitting back on her legs and sighing.
"I'm sure we can find something, you've got lots of clothes" Dani reasoned as i picked up a dress.
"Do you know where you're going?" I asked.
"Joe just said 'fancy'. What does that mean? That gives no guidelines!" She exclaimed in frustration.
Danielle leant down to her and rubbed her shoulder.
"Is it that time of the month?" She asked.
"Yes!" Sophie said, on the verge of crying.

The thing is, being on your period was already hell. Being famous meant you couldn't go in public without it all over the media, meaning that if you went somewhere you had to be pretty for, you had to be pretty. Usually it didn't bother us but periods make us a little more self conscious and frustrated.
"Oh Sophie, babe, it's alright" I told her as she nodded and wiped at her eyes.
"Lets find something" Danielle said.

After an hour of searching, we found an outfit, shoes and jewelry to go with it. It felt like a workout but Soph was happy. It was fun as well, getting to bond with the pair. Especially Sophie, i hadn't known her as well as Danielle since Joe had met, and married, her when i was in Atlanta. We laughed and just acted like normal woman, friends. It was nice.
"Can you tell Kevin i'm going to bed?" Dani asked as we left Sophie's bedroom.
"Yeah, Jesus when was it so late?" I asked looking at my phone to see it said 11.
Though it didn't seem late, it was late for me. I wake up early most mornings and this morning i woke up at 5 since we had to meet at 6.

Myself and Dani parted ways, her going to one of two of the spare bedrooms and myself going downstairs. The three of them were drinking some beer, laughing and joking with each other. I retook my spot next to Nick as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.
"What was happening up there?" Nick asked as the other two turned their attention to me.
"Sophie needed help for something to wear for your date tomorrow but they've both gone to bed now" I explained, directing it at Joe.
"It is pretty late. We should all go to bed" Kevin said like the responsible dad he is.
If you were wondering, his kids were with Dani's brother.
"Night" Joe and Kevin said, going to join their Mrs.

"We should go to bed" I said to Nick as he nodded.
After a few minutes, we left upstairs as i jumped onto the bed. Nick pulled his shirt off as i watched him. I couldn't help but bite my bottom lip, anyone could tell him worked out.
"Stop staring Lizzie" he said with a smirk.
"Can't i admire my boyfriend?" I asked with a grin.
He took his pants off, folding them and putting them on the chair. He can't deny that he is a clean freak sometimes. I sat on my knees on the edge of the bed, grabbing his wrist and pulling him into a kiss. His hands cupped my face as i moved one of mine to his waist and the other onto his wrist.
"I can't express how much i love you" He mumbled, pulling away and staring at me with so much love.
I blushed slightly, fully knowing that he truly did mean it. Him getting me involved with a video about how much you love someone surly means that.

He hooked his finger under my chin and tilted it up to meet his gaze again after i looked away.
"I loved spending time with you and our family. It's crazy sometimes, especially now with us reuniting but i'm the happiest i've felt in a long time" He admitted.
I smiled, pulling him down onto the bed as we fell back, his arms supporting him above me on either side of my head.
"I'm glad. I hated seeing you so down with your career before i left" I told him, brushing my hand over his cheek from under him.
"God i love you" he mumbled, nuzzling his nose against mine.
"Yeah i love me too" I joked cheesily.
He sighed, obviously too tired for my shit.
"Guess i love your awful humour too" He sighed, moving next to me as i sat up.

I rolled my eyes, pouting fakely as he kissed my forehead.
"Go get changed, i'm tired sweetheart" He said with a grin.
I complied, standing up and pulling my shirt and pants off. I grabbed the vest and shorts out of the bag i brought with me and put them on after taking my bra off. I put my clothes on the chair, knowing Nick would kill me if i left them randomly.

Turning the lights off, i climbed into bed next to my boyfriend. His arm loosely wrapped around me, pulling me closer.

Angel (Nick Jonas)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora