Chapter 21-Time

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I felt someone shake me awake as I groaned, pulling the covers over my head.
"Elizabeth, I swear to God if you don't get your arse out of bed" I heard Sophie warn.
"Don't I deserve a day in bed?" I whined.
Sophie threw the covers off, causing me to groan.
"Sophie!" I exclaimed, sitting up.
"You're not sitting inside all day to sulk. You need some quality girl time" she said, grabbing my wrists and pulling me up.

After coaxing me out of my sleep daze, we left the hotel. Paparazzi were busy snapping photos, knowing we were at this hotel. I had half a mind to flag them off, after all, they were the main cause of my argument with Nick. A few fans asked for pictures, which we gladly took with them. We stopped for fans most of the time. Without them we wouldn't be here.
"Where are we going?" I asked as we climbed into the back of an SUV.
"Food. That's a big part. Shopping...whatever we want," she shrugged, "after food"
I laughed slightly, reminding myself how much I loved Sophie.

Time Skip
"So you and Nick..." she said carefully whilst we sat down in a restaurant.
"What about it?" I asked, wanting to steer away from the subject.
"Look...I saw everything online and Joe's told me bits and pieces. Nick wont have meant to blow up at you. He's probably just...processing" she offered.
I sighed, pushing my hair back as I glanced around. We were sat in a booth at the back, away from prying eyes. Thank god for that.
"I know that. He was just angry was just hurtful" I shrugged.
Sophie smiled sympathetically, putting her hand over mine in the table.
"That doesn't matter," she dismiss with a grin, "we're here to eat" she announced.

We ordered some pancakes and fruit, digging into the delicious breakfast.
"That was heavenly Soph" I said with a dreamy sigh as we walked out of the restaurant.
"I came here a while ago when I brought my parents out here" she replied, pushing her sunglasses up.
We walked side by side, joking and laughing. It was a nice luxury that we were deprived, just shopping.

"So have you and Joe talked" I questioned as she blushed.
"'s been brought up. Just not...not now" she said carefully, thinking over her answer.
"Yeah...totally get it. Tour and your film schedule will make it hectic" I replied.

After shopping and having a coffee break, we headed back to the hotel. I was reluctant to go, it just meant I had to chance seeing Nick.

Nick's PoV
"Come on bro, you can't just stay here all day" Kevin told me as I rested against the headboard.
"Just because he doesn't want to run into her" Joe mused, clearly trying to get something out of me.
"Yeah you're right, I don't want to see my girlfriend who I had an argument with only just twelve hours ago!" I snapped, already annoyed.
"Alright, alright. Touchy subject" Joe said, raising his hands defensively.
I couldn't help but roll my eyes. He was just trying to provoke a reaction out of me. Although they are my brothers, doesn't mean I have to like them all the time.

"Ignore him. Just give each other space" Kevin said.
I nodded, knowing he was right. My oldest brother had much more experience with being in a relationship, a lot more than I did. I had been in and out of relationships frequently but Lizzie was different and I didn't want to loose that.
"'re right" I muttered.
"So...are you going to come out and stop moping?" Kevin asked.
"Sure" I dismissed, standing up and yawning.
I hardly slept last night, for obvious reasons.

I pushed my brothers out of my room so I could change. Sitting on the bed, I rubbed my eyes with my palms. I missed Elizabeth so much it felt like it was physically aching. We were arguing when we'd been apart for so long. I hated to even consider she was cheating but it wasn't the first time someone had done it to me.

I shrugged the thoughts off, needing to get out and clear my head. After changing, I met with my brothers in the lobby.
"Sophie took her out so we won't have to worry..." I caught the end of Joe's sentence as I neared.
I immediately knew they were talking about Elizabeth. I was thankful Sophie had taken her out. I wouldn't like to run into her or know she was on her own after we argued.

"Where are we going then?" I asked, disrupting their conversation purposefully.
"Where ever you want" Joe shrugged.

(A/N:so another boring filler. Oops. Happy one year to sucker!)

Angel (Nick Jonas)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora