Chapter 4-I Always Look Good

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"It's my mission to get you two together" My sister said as i sipped my ice coffee.
"Yeah? Not gonna happen Nat" I told her as i pushed my sunglasses up.
Myself and Natasha were out sitting in a cafe, hoping to avoid the public. So far so good. Didn't mean it was going to stay that way.
"You have a crush on Nick, come on, you can't deny it!" She said as i groaned.
"I don't know what youre talking about" I denied as she rolled her.
" own me a meal if i'm right" She said as i nodded.
"You're never getting that meal then" I retorted as she smiled mischievously.
That girl had something up her sleeve, no doubt.

After leaving the coffee shop, we were mobbed by paparazzi for a little bit before we shook them. Why was it exciting to take pictures of us shopping? We were just normal people under this popularity.
"What about this for tomorrow?" nat asked, holding up a red dress.
I completely forgot that tomorrow she had a date. I didn't date people who weren't celebrities because you'd never know if they really loved you or just wanted the fame and money. That's why i steered clear of these 'blind' dates. Or dates at all.
"It's hot but do you want that for a first date?" I asked, sitting on the bench near the clothes.
"Well obviously. First impressions Liz" She said, putting it down next to me and searching more.
"Alright fashionista" I teased as she glared.
"Just because you don't date. Though you could with Niiiiickkkk" She said, throwing her head back laughing when i huffed.

Time Skip(A few weeks)
It had been awhile since i'd basically seen sunlight because of work on the new album. I had been in the studio basically none stop. Now i had a few days to be by myself. My phone starting ringing as i gave Pepsi a treat.

"Lizzie! Help" Nat called down the phone as i sighed.
"What with?" I sighed.
"Ok so that guy i've been seeing,Levi, you know that model? well i said about you and accidently set up a double date" She explained fast.
"You what?" I asked again.
"I'm sorry!" Nat said.

Walking over to the couch, i sat down in frustration.
"Who can i go with?" I asked, exasperated.
"Well...Nick?" She asked, an underlying tease to her tone.
"Are you sure this was an accident?" I questioned, wanting to kill my sister.
Pepsi jumped onto my knee, looking up at me with a questioning gaze.
"It was at first..." She mumbled.
I could just picture her face, so proud of this happy accident.
"Seriously? Nick?" I whined.
"Or i could set you up with someone random? I mean, Levi has a lot of friends" She carried on.
I shuddered, thinking of all the many people she would have at her disposal. I hadn't met Levi before but i didn't want to see his random friends. I'd rather go with Nick who i was comfortable with.
"Fine, fine. You win. I'll ask him" I told her as she cheered.
"Tomorrow at six, wear something nice" She said before hanging up.

I groaned outwardly, wanting to strangle Nat. Sure, seeing Nick all scrubbed up wouldn't kill a girl, or it would, but i was a freaking mess at times around him. Even though i'm a celebrity who's put on the spot with awkward questions, this was a whole other kettle of fish. What if the paparazzi saw? Rumours about me and Nick wouldn't help anyone. But after what almost happened the other night, surely Nick wouldn't mind accompanying me.

Picking up my phone, i messaged Nick.
(Liz-Italics, Nick-Bold)
Are you free tomorrow evening?
It didn't take long for him to reply, i can't imagine he was very busy at the moment.
Are you missing me?

I blushed at seeing the comment, glad he couldn't see me.
In your dreams. Nat wants to go on a double date which i really don't want to go on :(
You want me to come with?
I do
It was that or set up with someone random
I was a last resort for a girl? There's a first lol
Alright Cassanova
So how's tomorrow at six?
Sounds good. I'll come to yours before and drive you as the gentlemen i am

I giggled to myself at thinking that Nick was a gentlemen. He wasn't far from it really. He'd matured a lot since those years ago, probably from the relationships he'd had. I was kinda looking forward to tomorrow now that Nick was coming. I could have a good night with my sister and one of my best friends, and hopefully a decent guy for my little sister.

Nick's PoV
The last thing i thought to happen tonight was for Lizzie to ask me on a date. Albeit it was so she didn't have a random man with her, which i was grateful for. If i knew she was going out with this randomer i'd be concerned and a little annoyed. Jealous? Quite possibly. Why would i be jealous? It's not like we went out with each other.
My phone buzzed next to me as i turned my gaze from the tv, even though i wasn't focused on it at all.

Make sure you scrub up well tomorrow
We're dining fancy
I always look good
Whatever you say
I told this to Liz but i'll warn you. Don't be weird to Levi
What do you mean? I'm sure if he was going to leave then he would've by now
Ok wow rude
Another note, if you have any confessions then do it tomorrow

I was slightly confused by what she meant. Confessions? Did she know something i didn't? I decided to brush it off, thinking about tomorrow. It could either be great or awful, but who knows.

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