The Bet

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Las Vegas is not just about the casinos, hotels and entertainment. Glam and glitter is half of what Vegas is about. Believe it or not, there are actually, neighborhoods, schools and groceries stores in the city of sin. And at one of these locations of suburbia, a tale of unexpected love evolves.

Lauren Jauregui was the most popular student at Freedmont High. She was class president, head of student council and the star basketball player. To everyone else it seemed like she had everything, but looks can be deceiving. Her conquests of girls would come and go but she never really had a connection with any of them. It was just sex. Not that she wanted a relationship. Lauren played with girls like one would play with a toy and moved on. Maybe it was her long black hair or her intoxicating green eyes. But any girl she set after, she got, one way or another.

It had been at least two months since school had started up again and Senior year was beginning to be a breeze. Lauren walked into her noisy first period class and noticed a waving hand in the back of the class. It was her friend Normani. The two met freshman year while trying out for the basketball team and had been good friends ever since. Normani has about the same height that Lauren, and had dark curly hair to her shoulders and dark brown eyes. Lauren took her seat next to a grinning Normani.

"Hey star. You still coming to my house tonight?"

Lauren nodded her head. "Great! You haven't been over in a while."

"Don't get too excited," replied Lauren,
"I don't like you that much!" she joked.

Normani gave her a playful swat in the arm. "You're such an ass." Lauren shrugged her shoulders.

"So.....have you spotted a fresh piece of meat yet?" Normani asked. Lauren turned her head and looked at her friend.

"Hey, the day has just begun. It won't be too hard. Find a hottie, seduce her and she's mine."

Normani gave a knowing smile to Lauren. "Right, well I want to change the rules a little bit this time."

"How so?" Lauren asked raising an eyebrow.

"I pick who you seduce into sleeping with you."

Lauren furrowed her brows. "Why? I know what I like."

"Yes, I'm well aware of what you like, but let's just try this time. Pleaaaase?" Normani stuck out her bottom lip.

"Aw, don't do that crap." After seeing that Normani wasn't letting up Lauren agreed to her new game.

"Yes! I actually already have somebody in mind."

"Oh, god... they aren't hideous are they?" Lauren cringed.

Normani directed her eyes across the room to the front row. "Not at all. She looks sweet actually."

Lauren followed her friend's gaze and her eyes landed on a shy looking petite girl with long brown hair. She was sitting up straight in her desk and was silently reading a book.

"Are you crazy? The new girl?" the black haired said with a frown.

Normani gave a wide smile and nodded. "Yep."

Though Lauren was outwardly rejecting this girl, that didn't stop her thoughts from wondering. She is kinda cute. But I'm a jock and she looks like she wouldn't give me the time of day. Wait, why am I worried about what she thinks? I'm Lauren, I'm not supposed to care. Compared to Lauren's letterman's jacket, tattered jeans and black T-shirt, the brunette was wearing nice fitting black jeans a navy blue sweater and wore thin black framed glasses.

"But she's too...too..."

"Goody two shoes?"

"Yes, exactly. She's not my type of girl." Laur sank in her desk.

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