I caught up with her and saw her struggling to breathe. "Hope, Hope, hey, hey, hey, I'm here. I'm here. Nothing bad happened. They're okay, Landon's gonna be okay", I cooed in her ear as I hugged her tight. She grabbed on my shirt and cried. "Take a deep breath. I'm right here. Hop on, I'll bring you to your room", I told her and she did as told.

I carried her to her room and once her breathing was steady, I tucked her in. I kissed her forehead and let her get some sleep. I sighed then wrote a note, telling her to hang with Stefanie for a while so I could help Rafael and that I love her.

I walked out of her room quietly and head back to Rafael's room. When I came in, Alaric was apologising for being a Headmaster and whatnot. "What did I miss?", I asked. "While Kaleb, the girls and I were on our trip to kill a mummy, the three boys decided to go to Maryland. How did this happen without you looking?", he asked me.

"I was busy with Maia and Stefanie, Al. Don't get mad at me or yourself. It was a simple mistake. Plus, it was springbreak. Everyone was out and I thought they were having a fun trivia day", I defended myself and backed up a little. "Stop, stop! It wasn't her fault. Landon wanted to reunite MG with his father, that's all", Rafael shouted to make us stop arguing with each other.

"Rafael is right. We need to know what happened last night", Emma agreed and we looked at each other. Alaric nods at me and I nod back. We focus back on Rafael. Emma cast a spell on Rafael to recall his memories without raging out. "I need to take care of something. You stay here with Emma and gather as much information as you can", as soon as he instructed me that, Hope stormed into the room.

"Great. Okay, Hope you stay with Raf and Emma. Arin, you come with me, okay?", he retold everyone and walk out of the room. I kissed Hope's forehead and told her goodluck before jogging up to catch up with Al. As soon as I caught up with him, we stood in front of Kaleb's room.

"What are we doing, Al?", I asked him. "Kaleb's the closest to MG so, maybe he can help us", he explains and I nod as he knocks on Kaleb's door. The door opens and we saw Kaleb in his sleeping attire. I hid a laugh in me and just kept my composure. "Sup?", Kaleb greets. He looks at the direction Al was looking at look back at his attire. "What?", he questioned.

"Uh...", Al stuttered. "Did you find my boy or not?", he asked and Alaric said no. "I thought you said and I quote, 'everything will be fine. I'll handle it'", he requotes Alaric's words. "Okay, that's why we're here for, Kaleb. We need your help and so does MG", I cut their conversation and got his attention. "Alright, let me get dressed then", he said.

"We'll be outside", I told hi mand he closes the door back. I saw Maia and Stefanie together laughing as they pass by in the hallway. "So, your niece and your sister, huh?", Alaric spoke up and I nudged him. "Shut up. It's not my business. Maria's technically my niece but we have no blood relation. She's a Royal but I hope the Quileutes can take her in if they agree", I sighed and he pattsnmy shoulder.

"Maia's a hell hound", I admitted, making Alaric stand up straight and face me fully. "What? As in Demon Dog, he'll hound?", he questioned and I nod. "She told me her eyes turn golden orange when she phases into her wolf. She's one of a kind too. She's the last of her species", I informed and awed as I continued to look at my sister and Maia together.

"Stefanie balances Maia's anger and Maia helps Stafanie with her thirst . I can see that. They belong with one another but each needs more time working on themselves", I added and told him. He hums, agreeing with me. Not long after, Kaleb opens his door and he's all dressed up.

"Where are we going, Dr Saltzman?", he asked. "MG's old house", he said and walked off first. We followed behind and got into the car and drove to Maryland. Alaric parked outside the house and we got out. "Wow, MG's dad is running for Mayor", I pointed out the sign. "When you said MG going home would be catastrophic, I expected a Chenobyl not Wisteria Lane", Kaleb commented but Alaric says otherwise.

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