Chapter 8: Okay Kacchan

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"Okay Kacchan," the nerd says as he hops in the car. Once we start driving I ask the nerd,
"Waddya wanna listen to? I've got like a billion CDs in the center console and I mean there's always the radio." Deku starts flipping through the CDs until he findd one that had "Deku" wrote in cursive on it. He slides it in and the first song that plays is Happier by Bastille and Marshmello .
"I-I love you Kacchan." I look over and see the nerd is crying.
"Hey. Don't cry. I love you too little Deku."
"Promise me you'll never leave me."
"Fine. I promise I'll never leave you unless it's for the better."
"Okay. Fine. I promise I'll never leave you."
"Thank you Kacchan."
"Mhm." The song changed to A Thousand Years by Christina Perri.
"I love you so much Kacchan," my nerd says as we pull into the parking lot of the Katsudon place.
"I love you too Deku," I reply as I climb out of the now parked car. 
I suddenly fill a pain shoot through my body. I try to tell Deku to run for the pain might come for him too but I'm speechless.

(A/n sorry! I know this is a short chapter but I'm probably gonna write another one soon. I just found my cliffhanger early in the story. Again, sorry. Thank y'all so much for reading this far tho! If you like it, I would be thrilled to hear from you in the comments and if anyone has any suggestions on my writing tactics, I would love to hear from you too! Also, what do y'all think is gonna happen to Bakugo? Will he be okay? Find out next time on Okay Kacchan! Have a great day/night! Bye y'all!)

306 words

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