Chapter 21

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It had been a week of staying at the cabin, the detoxing was a nightmare it self, the throwing up, the shivering, the cold sweats everything to do with detoxing it happened. Blade had helped me through it all, even through the nightmares he was there to bring me back.

Over this past week my feelings for Blade had gotten stronger and we had gotten closer but I wasn't sure if he felt the same or what... honestly I didn't know how to tell him because frankly I never had a boyfriend before. Yes I had sex but they were only one night stands...

I was sitting in the living room watching just a random show when I heard motorcycles and a car pull up with people yelling. I looked over at Blade who had gotten up and rushed over to the window to look out. "Shit" he says before rushing to open the door. Reaper and Clayton were carrying someone inside, Blade had disappeared somewhere as more people came rushing inside.

"Lay him on the table" Blade says to them as he opens up a bag, I got off the couch and walked over to see who it was and when I did my stomach turned. There on the table laid Niko bleeding, from everywhere, he was past out now. "What happen?" Blade asks as he rips open Niko's shirt.

"Sons Of chaos, they were following us took a shot but we shot back Niko got the worst of it" Clayton says running a hand through his hair. "Rider also got hit but it was only a flesh wound so his at the clubhouse."

What felt like hours only was a few minutes of me starring at Niko I didn't realise someone was calling my till Reaper stood in front of me. "You okay Maria?" I snapped out of it as I nodded to him. "Why don't you go lay down" but I shake my head no.

"No I-I wanna help." I said, he looks over his shoulder to Blade as he nods his head to say it was okay. I walked past Reaper to stand next to Blade as he was working on getting a bullet of of Nikos side.

It took forever but Blade managed to get 3 bullets out of Niko, we cleaned him up and placed him in one of the bedrooms to rest. I had been sitting by his side ever since, I couldn't bring myself to leave side because what if he'd died? The last time I spoke to Niko we had a fight.

I wiped the tears away as I held onto his hand I don't think I could lose other family member it would just break my heart completely. My family was all I had in this world and it meant everything I was just to stupid to realise it when I left.

When I looked at the clock it read 5 am I had been sitting here for hours, I looked over at the bedroom door to see Blade standing there. He gives me a soft smile before he speaks. "Why don't you go get some sleep. I can sit here with him." But I shake my head no.

"I don't wanna leave him"

"He'll be okay, sore but okay" He says walking over to me kneeling down in front of me. "Go get some sleep I'll wake you up when his woken up"

I look towards Niko then back at Blade, sighing but I nodded my head. He stands up holding out his hand to take to help me stand up, I got closer to Niko as I lean down to kiss his forehead before I turned to Blade I squeezed his hand before I left the room.

The only thing was I couldn't sleep now, so I walked out the back door walking past the guys that stood outside having a cigarette. I felt eyes on me but I just kept going, I remember my father bringing me out here through the woods telling me stories. I remember us kids running after each other through here, I was the baby out of all of us so I kept tripping over my feet. So Niko would always put me on his shoulders and carry me towards the little pond we had found.

I walked the way I remembered going all those years ago, once I got there I took a seat on the floor leaning against a tree.

As I looked over the water all I kept thinking about was how did my life get like this? Why did it happen to me? I was only 21 years old and I had experience more things then any other young girl.

Losing my grandparents
Losing my father
Getting kidnapped
Forced to take drugs
Danced to feed my addiction.

Everything and anything added to the list because it just kept going. Who would want someone like me? A broken soul?

I shook my head wiping away the tears that fell, I sighed as I leaned my head against the tree. I knew I had to go back to the cabin someone would of told Blade I went off so I got up taking one last look at the water and turned around to head back.

I didn't realise I had been out there for so long because when I got back to the cabin it was nearly lunch time.

When I walked into the cabin Blade saw me as he looked mad and worried at the same time "where the hell were you?" He asks.

"I went for a walk, I couldn't sleep" I said as I take a water bottle from the fridge.

"And you didn't think to tell anyone or even take your phone with you?" He asked as I shook my head no.

"No I didn't because I wasn't thinking about that I am sorry. Fucking hell Blade get off my back!" I yelled at him, I went to walk past him but he grabs my arm looking down at me.

"We are in locked down and you would of known that if you were here like your supposed to. So from now on you will stay in this house unless someone goes with you. Do you understand me?"

I look up at him with narrow eyes "crystal" I pull my arm away from him before I made my way towards the room that Niko was sleeping in.


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