I don't want to be here!

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Hi everyone, I am sorry for not responding, but I have been stressed out with my mid term, hopefully I will be able to post more soon for now enjoy this smutty and fluffy chapter.

“Aw~Lance, I wouldn’t pick them over you. Calm your hormonal, bisexual, paniced, omega mind, and remember. "I love you.” Keith says kissing Lance, and putting his clothes on.

“Keith~, please hurry back.” Lance says sitting needily on the bed. 

“I will be right back.” Keith says rushing out the door, and running to the control room. 

“Ah, Keith, is Lance Asleep?” Pidge asks, looking up from her computer.

“No, I need to talk to Coran.” Keith says walking around.

“Ah, red paladin, how is Lance?” Coran asks walking into the contolroom.

“No, he’s gotten worse, I mean he's in more pain, his smell is even stronger, and is um...more clingy.” Keith says rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

“Well, hopefully this is as bad is it will get for him, but this is only his first heat, his second one will be worse.” Coran says explaining to Keith.

“Really?” Keith asks worried.

“Well ya,but before his next heat we will probably have suppressants for him.” Coran says, messing with his mustache.

“Wait I read that suppressants could hurt him in the long term.” Keith says stopping Coran.

“Well, if Lance takes them responsibly and does not use cheap crappy ones, then no. So we will have to make them ourselves, and teach him how to use them. Now, Red paladin, I recommend you go find Lance, before he tries to come looking for you.” Coran says. 

“Oh, crap Lance.” Keith says before he starts to run back Lances room. When Keith gets there he open the door with a look of sheer panic as he sees Lance curled up on the floor shaking. Keith picks Lance up and looks him in the eyes. “Why-Why were you out of bed?” Keith asks holding Lance as close as possible.

“Y-You didn't come back, I-I though you decided to stay with Shiro…” Lance says grabbing at Keith’s t-shirt.

Keith let out a laugh as he kissed Lance on the forehead, causing Lance to shake slightly. “Are you in pain?” Keith asks gently laying down with Lance on his bed. 

“Mhm~I-It’s so~ hot~” Lance wines, pulling off all of his clothes.

Keith blushed slightly, feeling Lances naken body pressed up against him. “Do you want me to go into the bathroom to relieve a little of your pain?” Keith asks rubbing Lance’s hot back. 

“C-Can we um...Keith I-I want you to fuck me.” Lance says looking away from Keith embarrassed. 

“Lance, B-Baby I can't sleep with you, I could end up getting you pregnant. You are just are just in a really bad heat right now, So I don't want your choices to be affected by your heat.” keith says pulling Lance closer and giving him a weak smile. It was killing Keith that he couldn't pound Lance into the middle of next week. Lance’s had was intoxicating, and his body was so...hot. Keith really wanted to help his omega like he asked, but he couldn't. He could still kinda think straight.

“Keith~Mmm~Please~H-Help me~” Lance moans grinding up onto Keith.

“L-Lance I cant, I want to very badly, but, I just...I cant fuck you, at least not right now.” Keith whines firmly grabbing Lance’s hips. 

“wh-What we did before, please~ I-I’m in so~ much~ pain~. Please?” Lance begged as tears welled up in his eyes.

“Of course baby. Are you able to sit up, or do you want to do it like this?” Keith asks wiping away the tears on Lance’s face. 

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