Stay Please

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“I don't know Lance, we can research this stuff later. Please just go take your shower, and leave me alone.” Keith says looking away from Lance, and snatching the soap out on his hand. Keith places the soap with his towel and grabbed the shampoo.  Keith forgets that Lance is still behind him, and lathers his hair with the shampoo. 

Lance places his hands in Keiths hair and starts to massage in the foaming soap. “Wow, I make fun of your hair a lot, but it is really soft” Lance says smirking.

“L-Lance, st-stop touching my hair.” Keith says pulling away from Lance.  “Can you just...I don't know…go use your own shower.” Keith says avoiding eye contact with Lance.

“I don't want to, anyways I want to play with your hair.” Lance protests like a stubborn child.

“Look, Lance, the more time you spend near me the more likely you will bond with me and not Shiro.” Keith says concerned. 

Lance stepped back from Keith a little shocked. “Just, I just want to mess with your hair. How would that lead to me bonding to you? Anyways it doesn't even mean anything if I do.” Lance says trying to shake his thoughts from his head.

“Look, just let me rinse out my hair, and dry off, we don't know what could happen in the next few minutes, or if we will be under attack.” Keith says lifting his head up to face the shower head. The water pushed his hair back perfectly and the soap ran down his back and legs.

Lance Watched Keith for a minute before he realized what he was doing. Lance’s face turned a bright red, before he rushed back to his shower, and finished washing himself. Lance heard when Keith left the showers, but waited there. Even though he was already done in the showers. After a few more minutes, Lance wrapped a towel around his waist, and rushed to his room. Lance closed and locked the door when he got there, and then got dressed. 

Lance laid down on his bed and just zoned out. Keith, meanwhile, was knocking on Lances door. Lance didn't notice the noise for awhile, before he snapped back into reality. “Lance, come unlock your door.” Keith yells through the door.

Lance stood up quickly, and stumbled over to the door. He hit the unlock button, and as he did his vision became blurry, and his head started to pulse with pain. Lance went to grab the wall for support, but missed, and ended up falling. Keith immediately rushed in when he heard Lance fall.

Keith saw Lance on the floor, and picked him up slowly, Lance couldn't really see Keith, but he could feel his body moving through the air. Keith put him down on his bed and placed the back of his hand on Lance's forehead. Lance was starting to get a little hot, and smelled strongly of ocean waves, and chocolate. ‘Another one of Lances weird face creams.” Keith thought kneeling down next to lance.

“Hey, Lance are you ok?” Keith asks ing worried.

“What? Ya, im fine. I just stood up too fast.” Lance says rubbing his head.

“No, your, burning up. I’m going to go get Shiro and Coran. Maybe they can help.” Keith says standing up.

“Wait.” Lance says grabbing the sleeve of Keith’s red jacket. “Use my communicator. Don't go.” Lance says in a tired and pained voice. 

Keith looked down at Lance and grabbed his communicator from the nightstand. Lance let go of Keiths sleeve, and rolled over in his bed. Lance started to move his sheets and pillows around, while Keith told Coran and Shiro to get to Lance’s room.

Lance had put all of his pillows and sheets to make a weird nest like structure. “Um...Lance, I should really go, and keep Shiro away from here as well.” Keith says worried.

Lance was curled up in half of the nest and looked up at Keith saddened. “What, no, don't go. I want you to stay here.”

Keith knelt down and looked Lance in the eyes. “Lance, I did me reasearch and the math. Your in heat, and I don't want to make anything worse.” Keith says in and explanatory and sorry manner.

“I don't care. Now give me your jacket.” Lance says stubbornly.

Keith sighs and hands Lance his jacket. Lance immediately brings the jacket to his face and smells it. As Lance goes to put the jacket down on his pillow, Coran and Shiro walk in.

Word count-764

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